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Guild Wars 2 Character Creation Guide: Race, Gender, Profession, Appearance

Guild Wars 2 Character Customization


The Charr race was forged in the merciless crucible of war. It is all they know. War defines them, and their quest for dominion drives them ever onward. The weakling and fool have no place among the Charr. Victory is all that matters, and it must be achieved by any means and at any cost.

Humans have lost their homeland, their security, and their former glory. Even their gods have withdrawn. And yet, the human spirit remains unshaken. These brave defenders of Kryta continue to fight with every ounce of their strength.

This race of towering hunters experienced a great defeat when the Ice Dragon drove them from their glacial homeland. Nevertheless, they won't let one lost battle - however punishing - dampen their enthusiasm for life and for the hunt. They know that only the ultimate victor achieves legendary rewards.

These alchemagical inventors may be short in stature, but they're intellectual giants. Among the asura, it's not the strong who survive, but the clever. Other races believe they should rule by virtue of their power and strength, but they're deluding themselves. In due time, all will serve the asura.

Sylvari are not born. They awaken beneath the Pale Tree with knowledge gleaned in their pre-life Dream. These noble beings travel, seeking adventure and pursuing quests. They struggle to balance curiosity with duty, eagerness with chivalry, and warfare with honor. Magic and mystery entwine to shape the future of this race that has so recently appeared.


Male or Female
This is for aesthetic purposes only and will not affect the strength of your character


Elementalists have harnessed Tyria's natural forces. Their powers of destruction are drawn from an affinity with the four elements that make up the world. They conjure air, fire, earth or water to assault their enemies. Elementalists wear light armor.

Warriors are masters of martial skills. They rely on speed, strength, toughness and heavy armor to survive. They're versatile in combat and benefit from offensive and defensive abilities. Warriors inspire allies and demoralize enemies. (Warriors wear heavy armor).

Guardians specialize in protective and defensive magic. A deep sense of loyalty to their allies fuels their passion and power. They're also skilled with a variety of weapons which they put to good use against their enemies. (Warriors wear heavy armor)

Engineers are technological and alchemical masterminds. They employ turrets, grenades, elixirs and a variety of other impressive devices and concoctions to overcome their enemies. (Engineers wear medium armor)

Rangers are proficient with the bow. They rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature to slay their targets. Their loyal pets, which rangers tame and train, distract enemies while rangers strike safely from a distance. (Rangers wear medium armor),

Necromancers are masters of dark arts. They summon the dead to fight for them, channel blood energy, and rend their enemies' souls. Necromancers draw life force and use it to strengthen or heal themselves and others. (Necromancers wear light armor).

Thieves are adept at the art of stealth. They utilize surprise and shadow to get close to their enemies, and they're deadly in one on one combat. They have an affinity for setting traps and going where they were never meant to go (Thieves were medium armor).

Mesmers are maestros of mirage. They weave mental magic that confounds, controls, or evokes emotion in their enemies. With a wave of the hand, they can shatter their own illusions to produce even greater special effects. (Mesmers wear light armor).


(You can show armor and hide armor while customizing your character)


Height: Use slider to make your character shorter or taller.

Physique: Choose from one of the available physiques.

Fur (Charr only): Choose fur type and colors


Hair Styles & Color: Choose from an available hair style, as well as two hair colors.

Faces & Skin Color: Choose one of the faces and skin colors (for certain races).

Horns (Charr): Select one of the horn types.

Facial Hair (Human): Choose from different facial hair options.

Ears (Asura, Sylvari): Select from the different ear shapes.


Customize your eyes: Eye angle, Eye Squint, Eye Width, Iris Size, Eye Size, Eyebrow Placement, Eyebrow Angle, Brow Thickness

Customize your muzzle and nose: Nose Width at Bridge, Nose Tip at Width, Nose Height at Bridge, Teeth Size, Tilt of Jaw, Tilt of Muzzle

Customize your mouth (Human): Upper lip, Lower lip, Mouth width.

Chin & Jaw (Human): Chin Length, Jaw Width, Head Size, Head Width

Customize your ear and horns: Ear Length, Ear Thickness, Horn Length


Clothing Dyes: Upper, Lower, Footwear, Mask color