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Guild Wars 2 Character Creation Guide: Backgrounds - Sylvari, Asura. Character Name, Biography

Guild Wars 2 Biography and name


I dreamed of a quest that calls me to action. It was a vision of the ________.

The White Stag: The White Stag is a creature of enchantment, an immortal beast with great power. It is said that the stag will trade a magical boon for its freedom, if I can catch it.

The Green Huntsman: I saw a powerful huntsman in green armor, his face obscured by vines. He was defeated, but did not submit; was killed, but did not die. Dare I face him in battle?

The Shield of the Moon: The moon is a powerful symbol of healing and magic. Any who dream they're protected by the moon shall have faith and fortitude. I hope I'm worthy of such a vision.

I believe that the most important of Ventari's teachings is _____________

Act with wisdom, but act: It is one thing to know what is right and another to change the world. We all have a calling. I will distinguish myself through my actions and thereby lift Tyria to a higher state of nobility.

All things have a right to grow: The blossom is brother to the weed. Diversity of opinion is good. Discussion is healthy. No one should be condemned simply for being different. I will stand up for the rights of all.

Where life goes, so too, should you: The world is a delicious and gorgeous place created for us to explore, enjoy, and protect. I will seek out the lessons in every experience, and as I grow, I will have more to offer in return.

The Pale Tree awakened me during the _____________

Cycle of Dawn: Sylvari awakened at dawn are natural talkers, diplomats, and forward-thinkers. We are intimately connected with our surroundings and markedly empathic toward all, even other races.

Cycle of Day: Sylvari awakened mid-day solve problems by attacking them head-on. We are the warriors, hunters, and travelers who experience life first-hand and enjoy the rush of taking risks in order to feel truly alive.

Cycle of Dusk: Sylvari awakened at dusk are naturally curious and thoughtful. We love to learn and spend time reading and studying. We are intelligent and drawn toward the luscious complexities of magic.

Cycle of Night: Sylvari awakened at night are secretive and cautious with information. We make our own decisions, and we come and go as we please, nimble of mind and body.


I am a member of the College of ____________

Statics: Builders and architects make up the College of Statics, and we build to last. Some call us conservative, but we excel at creating new designs, using old materials in innovative ways, and expanding the purview of known magics for practical application.

Dynamics: The College of Dynamics produces gizmo-makers extraordinaire. Energy, enthusiasm, and boldness are our best qualities. We believe in leveraging the expendable nature of all things. If a prototype explodes, it isn't a failure unless the lesson goes unlearned.

Synergetics: As members of the College of Synergetics, we study how energy patterns form and alchemagical fractals propagate. Few beyond our college understand the philosophical and mystical complexities of our interests. We devoutly research the true nature of the Eternal Alchemy.

My first creation was a _____________

VALET-123 Golem: Most golems are powerhouses, designed for warfare. They show absolutely no subtlety or originality of design. My golem was compact and efficient, and it had an unparalleled package of features. It revolutionized lab cleanup, and it mixed a great cocktail too.

Transatmospheric Converter: What unmitigated joy to be able to change the weather at my whim! If only the prototype had been more powerful. Nevertheless, the design was cutting-edge. My transatmospheric converter was a masterpiece of utter genius. I wish I'd had more funding.

Infinity Ball: They said it was a toy, a pipe dream, and a waste of resources. They were wrong. My invention predicts the future. So what if it doesn't predict it correctly every time. That's irrelevant! Could it give me an advantage? Reply hazy. Ask again.

My first advisor, the one who taught me almost everything I know (almost), was ________

Bronk: Good ol' Master Bronk taught me the benefits of superior firepower. He liked to say, "When it comes to besting the enemy, there's no such thing as overkill."
Zinga: Mistress Zinga taught me that the best form of magic is good old-fashioned luck. She liked to say, "Planning ahead is for ninnies who think they can predict every possible outcome. The future is mutable! Go with the flow!"
Blipp: Master Blipp was known for his redundancies as well as his redundancies. He often said, "Your first try should never be your last, especially if it succeeded. You can always succeed bigger next time."
Canni: Councilor Canni wasn't just another bureaucrat. She was an esopolitical parascientologist. She was fond of saying, "Always bring a witness, preferably an expendable one. You never know when you'll need a scapegoat."

This name may use up to 19 more characters.
Spaces count as characters.
This name does not exceed the maximum character limit (19)
This name must use a minimum of 3 characters
This name is using only 3 letters

You get a biography such as:
Though  trouble may follow me, I overcome it with ferocity. I'm a soldier in the Iron Legion, and my warband is my family. I would die for them, especially Clawspur, my sparring partner.

They tel me my sire is a sorcerous shaman. I must overcome his reputation whatever it takes.

I look out from behind a mask of fanged dread.

This is my story.

Sign with your desired character name near the "X".

This completes the Character Creation process. Enjoy playing Guild Wars 2!