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Risen 2 Dark Waters Walkthrough Part 1: Tutorial

This quest will open the game Risen 2 Dark Waters, and its primary purpose will be to teach you the basics of the gameplay. A short cutscene will begin when you start a new game in which your character will be drinking alone in bed. One of your fellow officers will open your door, insult you, and order you to go up to the overlook to meet up with Commandant Carlos. Collect your bearings and climb out of bed. The game will teach you how to move the camera around and how to move your character using the control scheme of your choice. From here, you will be free to leave. Don’t head out just yet, though. Instead, loot the sack of gold from the table to the left. This will give you a nice little starting bump, and it will be necessary to help you learn how to sneak if you are so inclined. Also be sure to pick up the Commander’s Sword item from the desk by your bed. This will be necessary in order to head out to the beach later on in the quest.

Now that you have your gold and sword, leave your room. You can meet up with Commandant Carlos by heading up the stairs to the northeast, but if you want to increase your sneaking skills (and learn how to sneak in the process) you should head down to the left. Climb down the short staircase here and you will enter a courtyard, abandoned at the moment except for one prisoner in the jailhouse to the north end of the courtyard. Speak with him and inquire as to why he was imprisoned. He will tell you in a roundabout way that he was attempting to steal from the Inquisition’s storehouse, located back towards the beach, and that the soldiers found him and threw him in the brig. He will offer you an opportunity to learn how to sneak, which will also increase your sneaking stats, but you will have to pay him first. Since you have the gold from your bedside, this won’t be a problem. Inquiries as to why, exactly, this prisoner needs gold in jail will be shot down with vague answers, so go ahead and pay the prisoner if you want to spec your character towards sneaking and stealing. The prisoner will ask that you steal some items from the storehouse that he failed to break into earlier. This is merely a side quest, though, and not something you need to worry about just yet.

Now that you have increased your sneaking skills if you so desired, you can feel free to head up to the walkways above to meet up with Commandant Carlos. Take the stairs to reach the ramparts of the city, which look out over the ocean. When you approach Commandant Carlos, a cutscene will initiate. You will see a ship coming to port at the docks of Caldera, but a strange tentacle lurks behind it. Suddenly, a series of giant tentacles will emerge from the water and engulf the ship in their crushing grasp. The ship will be all but destroyed, the passengers killed or drowned and the cargo washed up to shore. Commandant Carlos will order you down to the beach to check and see if anyone was able to survive the horrible attack.

After you have talked with the Commandant, head back down off of the ramparts and loop around to the right. The large steel gate in the courtyard will block off access to the beach. Speak with the NPC here, named Juan, to gain access to the beach. If you do not have your Commander’s Sword, he will say that the area beyond is too dangerous for you to enter unarmed. He’s right, so head back to your quarters and collect the sword if you didn’t earlier. Otherwise, Juan will let you pass freely. Go through the gate and use the stairs beyond to reach the beach on the right. When you approach the beach, a cutscene will trigger of a woman fighting off a group of Sand Devils, Risen 2’s most basic enemies. Run to her aid.

This section will function as a combat tutorial. The Sand Devils will be focused on the woman, who you will find is named Patty, so they won’t pose much of a threat to you. For this reason, although the game will teach you how to parry attacks by clicking the right mouse button, you really just have to worry about attacking with the left mouse button for now. In later battles, especially when you are outnumbered and flanked, parrying and blocking will be of absolute importance, so you may wish to practice a little now anyway. Either way, when you are ready to proceed, get up behind the Sand Devils and hack away at their backs while they focus on attacking Patty. You should be able to kill them all easily.

Saving Patty’s life will lead to another cutscene, this one taking place inside of the Comandant’s quarters in the fortress. Commandant Carlos, Patty, and your character will all speak at length about killing the Kraken that has been attacking ships at port. Patty’s ship is apparently just the latest in a series of vicious attacks. Patty will insist that there is a weapon that can be used to kill the Kraken, but you will have to infiltrate the pirate clans and make peace between them before you can get access to said weapon. The decision will be made, then, to fake your dishonorable discharge from the Inquisition and send you out to join up with one of the pirate clans. From here, it will be your mission to barter a treaty between the warring pirate factions and get your hands on the deadly weapon capable of dealing the killing blow to the massive Kraken. You will all agree to leave port tomorrow for the pirate-infested shores of Tacarigua.

This will effectively end the tutorial section of the game. You will be able to leave the island of Caldera pretty much now if you wish to, but there are a few small quests that you may want to check out before leaving. Check out the next guides to get a sense of the side quests, and then the subsequent guides after that to continue with the story.