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Kid Icarus Uprising Walkthrough Part 8: Dark Pit Part 2

When you land in the canyon’s ruins, a few piles of fruit will wait to greet you, alongside a group of enemies. Take the enemies out first, using dash shots to end it quickly, so that you won’t lost any health right off the bat after collecting all of the food. Eat it all up and then proceed forward. Palutena will make some comments about Dark Pit as you climb the winding path. Shoot the three enemies down as you wind up the path. You will reach the central atrium of the ruins. Although this area and its branching paths are mostly open for now, they will be blocked off later. Each of the four paths splitting off from the main area will lead to a different, small arena. You will be able to challenge Dark Pit in several of these. For now, though, just head up the one directly to the north and climb the hill. Blast the enemy at the top of the hill down as you ascend it.

When you reach the top of the hill, you will encounter two more enemies in the small arena ahead. Climbing up the central platform won’t reveal anything, and searching the rest of the arena won’t reveal anything either. For now, you will have to search in other areas to find Dark Pit. Run back down to the central atrium and search for a different path to take. You will be met by one of the large, hovering nose enemies. Follow him down the path to the left to encounter a strange floating elephant enemy. Kill it, and then check the back corner for a potion that will make you tiny. Search the front corner to find one of the large stalk enemies. Kill it, and then jump down the hole to reach an underground path. You will encounter Dark Pit here. He will attack you with large fireballs. Dash quickly to the side to avoid them. As you dash around, blast Dark Pit with dash shots so that you will do more damage. In this enclosed space, calling on Lady Palutena’s help for special attacks can also be pretty useful. When Dark Pit gets up close, hit him with melee attacks. You should be able to finish this battle pretty quickly. You will win, but not permanently. Dark Pit will just run off to a different part of the level. A large treasure chest will appear, though, so be sure to loot it before leaving the underground tunnels and heading back to the atrium.

Along the way, be ready to fight off a few more enemies where the tunnel lets out. One of these is a weird hand creature that spawns out of a square pot. When you reach the atrium, grab the food that Lady Palutena left for you, and then head down to the left and drop down to the beach. You will find a mech waiting for you. Jump in it and kill the two enemies hanging out by the beach. Leave the Cherubot for now. You will have to explore more areas to find Dark Pit. Depending on the order that you visit the different areas in, Dark Pit can appear in one of several different places. If you have been following this guide, you should run down the only path that you haven’t explored yet. Pit will question whether or not Lady Palutena would ever abuse her power to create a second version of Pit, and she will respond that yes, of course she would. Keep following the winding path up and you will reach the only area that you have not yet explored. You will reach a jump pad on a ramp. Take it down to reach the area below.

Follow the path to get – wait for it – back to the atrium. Follow the first path that you took, up the hill to the altar. Now that you have explored everywhere, Dark Pit should appear here. First, you will have to deal with two enemies on the sides. Dark Pit will attack from the center. Dash up to him and melee attack him. He will be wielding a cannon, so watch out for the farily large explosions when the bombs hit. Keep dashing around and attacking and you should be able to defeat Dark Pit again. Head back down to the atrium to find a grind rail. Take the rail up to the final area of the level. Along the way, watch out for the several groups of three enemies that will spawn. You will have to blast down two groups of enemies.

Boss Battle: Dark Pit

The rail will eventually deposit you on a floating platform where you will encounter Dark Pit again. He will float around the edges of the arena at first, so you won’t have much of an option other than to blast him from range. He will fly farther away from the arena for a while, and then come in close. When he gets close, whack him with melee attacks if you have a strong melee weapons equipped. Shortly after this attack, he will use an area of effect attack that will blast the ground where it glows. Shoot him a few more times after this and he will retreat to a farther platform. A jump pad will appear. Take the jump pad up to follow him. You will be pretty close to defeating Dark Pit at this point. Keep blasting him when he moves far away, and hit him with melee attacks when he gets too close. When you defeat him, a short cutscene will initiate and Dark Pit will sadly escape yet again.