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Sniper Elite V2 Walkthrough Part 5 – Mittelwerk Facility, Part 2

Sniper Elite V2 Walkthrough Part 5 – Mittelwerk Facility, Part 2

Locate Schwaiger's Office
Head to the corridor that is on the Western side of the facility and start working your way North. Once you make it into the Inspection Hall, go up against the right-hand side wall and move up to the next hallway. Head down to the far end and go to the left. There are some stairs against the Eastern wall that will take you toward your target office.

Escape the Facility
When the cutscene finishes, it is time for a shootout. Just you against roughly 8 other soldiers at any given time, all with Semi-auto machine guns. First in this fight you want to take out all the soldiers who have an elevated position. They have a much better shot at your position. After that start focusing on those that are on the ground and ducking in and out of cover. Take cover between the windows to afford yourself the best protection between shots. Focus the most on targeting the snipers who have come in after you. They inflict the most damage but the smoke trails from their guns make them easier to find as well.

This will continue until the explosives that were planted go off. Head straight out onto the walkway and into the hallway attached to it. You can also head down the stairs through the thick of the battle. Either way, Kurt wants to get over to the Western side of the facility and make his way South after that to make progress in escaping it.

Once you make it past the hallway you were in, it will come down to straight running. Keep to the right-hand side of the tunnels to make things simple. As soon as it breaks to the right, follow it down that path.

Escape the Facility Yard
Immediately take cover as you enter the yard. There is another Sniper covering it from the tower that overlooks the yard. Take him out then dash for the first of the bunkers on the left past the gate. Go through the far right window. Just inside, on the desk is a Gold Bar. Now keep going to the left. Kill who you need to to make it all the out of the yard and back to where this mission started.