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Sniper Elite V2 Walkthrough Part 4 – Mittelwerk Facility, Part 1

Sniper Elite V2 Walkthrough Part 4 – Mittelwerk Facility

Enter Facility
Head slightly to the left then look up the lookout post there. You will see a Soldier stationed at the top of it. Take aim at him and wait until the next screech from the speakers to fire and take him out. Once he is dead, move forward and follow the tire tracks some over toward the factory. Start down the slope and mantle onto the roof the nearby bunker. Get to the crest of the bunker and look down along the right-hand side of the road. By the fence you will spot a soldier. Wait for the speakers again and take him down.

Now look around the facility entrance. There are 2 Soldiers patrolling the yard in front of the Facility. More importantly, there is a spotter in the right-hand watchtower. Take him down during a speaker burst. Look along the railing of that lookout to spot and take out a Bottle. Now turn your attention to the pair of Soldiers in the yard itself. They are slowing patrolling the perimeter so it is only a matter of time before one of them finds the soldier you shot on the outskirts of it. Take each down separately when they cannot see each other because of corners.

Drop down on either end of the roof and hop through the nearest window. Head straight across in the lavatory to find a gold bar in the toilet. Make your way over to the right. There is a soldier by the door there for you to stealth kill.

Head out of the bunker now and down to the wall, going to the right. Head up the stairs on the right to make your way to the top of the lookout tower from earlier. You will find some ammo here. Go into the main body of it and look down. 2 soldiers will come out of the facility. Take aim at the one in the back  and wait for a burst of sound to take him down. After that, gun down the second soldier at your leisure.

Plant the Explosives
Head back down the Lookout and start for the door to the facility. Get inside the facility and go through the first door on your right. Inside this room, to the left, you will find a Gold Bar. With that collected, head into the hallway and continue right down the hall. Head across the corridor to the next hallway and slip down to the end of the hallway. Wait there for the next soldier to pass by. Kill him when there is a burst of sound or use a silenced pistol. Head out a short ways into the corridor and look up, to the left. There is a Soldier overlooking it. Take him out when the shot is masked and start over to the overlook he was on. Head to the back of the area to find the first place to plant your explosives. Now you want to head down, at least halfway, either hallway #38 to the right or #39 to the left.

*Around the midpoint of hallway #38, on the right, is a freight elevator. Look behind the wooden crates there to find a Gold Bar.

#39 gives you an easier time with only a single guard. Head through the first door on the right and climb onto the worktable to claim a Gold Bar. It also has the second point where you need to plant the explosives. You will find them on the left-hand side. You need to plant it behind a pump.

Either way, at the end of the hallway, start going to the left. There are a few Soldiers patrolling at the far end of the corridor so snipe them once you get a clear visual and some sound cover. Keep going until you can get into the overlook on the left-hand side lit up in red. Go up to the stairs and plant the final explosives there.