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Tera Walkthrough: Making the Rounds

Speak with Legate Lam, south of the starting area on the Island of Dawn, after completing Dawn's Early Light to begin this quest. This is a level 1 story quest.

Making the Rounds
Lam: You and Axelle survived that stormy beach. You know who else did? Kishale, just on the other side of the bridge. Kishale and Axelle avoid each other, and they avoid talking about what happened. But if you get either of them talking about Elleon, they briefly forget to feel sorry for themselves. Ask Kishala about Elleon, and you'll see what I mean. Besides, it'd do her good to see a new face. She's gotta be tired of looking at me and Barsabba all the time.

Lam wants you to meet the commander at each encampment, then report to Adria, Your first task is to visit Centurion Kishale at the Northern Checkpoint. Follow the road southeast, you can press "M" to bring up the map and locate the red question mark which shows you the destination of your quest objective. Talk to Centurion Kishale.

Kishale: The shipwreck, the storm, and the demons could not claim us, Jolokir. That beach will always be seared in our memories. Remember how proud we all were? The first expedition counted some of the brightest and bravest among its ranks. We were so proud - and excited - to be chosen by Elleon himself for this mission. The storm and shipwrecks claimed most of us, and the demons claimed all but a handful of the rest. You and I were in that handful. Some say Elleon survived, buy my doubt overtakes my hope. Continue up the road and speak with Dulari. Perhaps he can say why we were attacked.

Your goal is to head to Dulari's Camp and speak with Dulari. Keep following the trail southeast. Talk to Researcher Dulari. He tells you that he does not think we were attacked randomly. He thinks someone used magic to drive creature against us en masse. He keeps finding traces of it in the bodies he has studied. He suggests Neziir can tell you more about the fight.

You now need to meet Neziir at the Northern Overwatch. Climb the road uphill and locate Centurion Neziir.

Neziir: The battle? Beasts, ghilliedus - even demons - came at us all at once. We barely had a chance. Elleon and some of the others fought a holding action so we could get the researchers to safety. When it was over, they were gone. It's up to us to make sure their deaths count for something. This is our island now. We paid for it, in blood. Shouldn't keep Adria waiting, soldier. Keep moving!

The final part of the quest (red star) is to tell Adria that you have come to support the expedition. Go up the stairs and onto the Tower Base.

Tera Online Making the Rounds

Adria: You're a sight for sore eyes, adventurer. We need all the help we can get. You've heard about the battle, but do you know why everyone's fighting over this place? We believe there are ancient relics that once belonged to the titans - Arun and Sharal. All the researchers agree the island itself is inherently magical. That might explain why others are so intent on taking it from us. We've much to do. Speak with Jorhon and get to it.

You get an item and some experience as your reward. This completes the story quest, Making the Rounds.