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. Plays, 22nd November 2014

Tom Orry, Editorial Director - Diablo 3, PS4

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls screenshot

I'm back on the Diablo 3 addiction train. It's hard to explain why I enjoy playing this so much, other than to say the systems in play just work so well. You're constantly making progress, constantly earning rewards, constantly destroying waves of enemies, and it's great fun. I'm now Level 31 and can't wait to see what is around the next corner. More enemies to munch I expect.

Steve Burns, Deputy Editor – GTA 5, PS4, Far Cry 4, PS4

Far Cry 4 screenshot

Well, I've killed a lot people this week, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Between GTA 5 and Far Cry 4, my digital rap sheet is probably up there with Stalin, and nowhere near as hands-off. Still, I had a great time with both, and you should definitely consider picking both up. If you like hunting people with bows, throwing knives, or just straight-up running them over, that is.

Brett Phipps, Staff Writer - Smash Bros. for Wii U

Super Smash Bros. screenshot

While playing Smash Bros. Wii U for review, I got to indulge in one of my favourite modes of any game: the Home Run Challenge.

One of my oldest friends and I would spend hours trying to best each other, but he would always win. This same friend paid a visit this week to see if history would repeat. Naturally, it did. Nerves got the better of me.

However, in co-op, both as Ganondorf, we’re pretty confident we broke records. World records. Thanks to the lack of online leaderboards (still a huge miss for the series) we claim to hold the world record with a score of over 1500 metres.

If you can beat that when the game launches next week, send in your scores and we’ll create a leaderboard of our own.

Chris Bratt, Video Human - Valkyria Chronicles, PC

Valkyria Chronicles screenshot

I've known that I should probably give Valkyria Chronicles a bash for quite some time. It's a turn-based, third-person shooter with RPG bits AND it boasts this gorgeous visual style that's somehow part anime and part watercolour painting. It ticks all my boxes, but there was a bit of a problem. Up until now, Valkyria Chronicles had been held hostage by the dreaded PlayStation 3, a console that I've tried my best to avoid.

Six years later, it's finally broken free of its shackles and found a new home on Steam and I'm very very (that's two verys in case you weren't counting) glad that it did. It's a strange mix of genres and ideas, but it's exactly my type of strange mix and the PC port isn't half bad! 10/10 (Score not officially endorsed by .). Game of the year (also not the official word of .). I'd like to see more, please.