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Sniper Elite V2 Walkthrough Part 13 – Flak Tower, Part 2

Sniper Elite V2 Walkthrough Part 13 – Flak Tower, Part 2

Find a path to the Roof
Head on inside the tower and go up on either side. Start up the next set of stairs but wait when you hear the Germans talking. Now, wait for one to pass you b y. Sneak up behind him and wait for him to pas into the shadows behind the pillar to right-hand side. Once he is there, stealth kill him. Deal with the other soldier or simply slip up the stairs. Just be aware there are 2 more soldiers nearby.

After you deal with the soldiers in this room, head for the back left part of it. Inside, on the right-hand corner of the desk, you will find a Gold Bar. At the top of the stairs you will encounter a few more soldiers. Be ready for them. Go to the top of the steps and plant either a land mine or a trip wire mine. Now retreat to the midpoint on the stairs and aim down the middle. There will be a soldier who comes at you alone. Quick kill him. Now retreat around the corner of the stairs and wait. A pair of soldiers will advance and they will get blown up by your mine. With them dead, head up the stairs and deal with the one surviving soldier.

At the T-intersection at the top of them head to the left and work your way down the corridor toward the next stairwell up. This one is delightfully uneventful. At the top, take cover and sneak over to the door. There is a soldier standing at attention none too far from where you are. Quickly move to the left in a crouch. You need to slip by a monitoring station to get over toward your destination. Just wait for the guard to pass you and stop among the other Germans. Crouch and walk by to make it past without incident. Just head down the hallway to reach the rooftop itself.

Reach the Winch Room
Head forward and out onto the roof. Move up the stairs carefully as there are Germans on the very top of the roof. When you reach the double staircase, look to the left. At the top, near the anti-aircraft gun is a Bottle you can shoot. Now head up the stairs to the left. Slip across the rooftop, past the anti-aircraft guns as the soldier moves away (or sneak up on him and kill him to create a small distraction). Head down the next set of stairs, taking on the guard patrolling them. Just make it over to the next set of stairs either through killing the guards (a hefty proposition) or sneaking over to them. Once there just head into the hallway and turn to the right to get into the winch room. Just go down the stairs to the opening in the window

Take out Muller
Muller blends in a little bit with his tropps but he is the only one not wearing a helmet. He patrols around the top of the building opposite you. Just wait for him to stop along the left-hand side of it, under the overhang, to take him out.

Exfiltrate the area
Switch to something is a lot faster firing. Now pull out some grenades and throw them down to the end of the hallway. This will get at least one of the 2-4 soldiers that are down there. Head to the end of the corridor and turn to the right into the stairwell. Start down the stairs immediately. When you get to the next part of the area, start throwing grenades into the area below. This will wipe out most of the soldiers below, making it easier to get out of the building.

Once on the outside, you are getting close to escape. Unfortunately there are 2 soldiers who come charging at you. There are a total of 5 soldiers in the area that also need to die. Take them out then sprint down the slope to the exit point to finish the level.