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Sniper Elite V2 Walkthrough Part 14 – Karlhorst Command Post

Sniper Elite V2 Walkthrough Part 14 – Karlhorst Command Post

Destroy the Tank guarding the Command Post
Head over to and through the ruined house. Just continue to the south until to finally find some street beneath you instead of rubble. Look to the left to find a relatively clear area. This is where your target patrols. Either getting the tank or by missing you will need to deal with the soldiers in the area. Only a few will actually get close to your location. The rest will run around the area in front of you. One or two may get to the machine gun at the far end but that just makes them easier to kill.

Overcome the Russians
Time for you to enter into a shootout. A few of the soldiers will take up a post in the house and fire on you from the right-hand window. Most of the others will simply shoot from the Northern point of the square. One or two will go for the machine gun again. If any manage to get close then pull out your SMG and mow them down. Be sure to also look to the right and above the wreakage of the buildings as there is a Russian Sniper over there.

Find the documents
Once the Russians are down in the plaza area, you need to find some documents in the command post itself. Head over to where the machine gun nest is. Look just to the left of the machine gun to find a Bottle to take out. After that, head into the building behind it.

Once inside, head down the ramp into the tunnel below. Take cover at the bottom as 2 Russians will come charging at you. Gun them down then change to the cover at the entrance to the tunnel. More Russians will come at you. Just snipe or shoot whoever comes charging at you. Keep at it until the soldiers stop showing up.

Head down to the end of the corridor. There you will find one more Russian gunning at you. Kill him and approach the body to finish this objective.

Eliminate Russian Sniper Team
Start down the corridor back to the surface. You are attacked by 2 Russians. Duck into any of the openings along the walls. Take those 2 down very quickly to make life a lot easier. When you make it the top, immediately take shelter behind one of the pillars. Sniper battle time. There is one directly across from the entrance who will take pot shots at you. Just find him from the scope flashes and take him out. Just wait after that as 2 more soldiers will come out of the rubble at you. Wait a moment so they cross then take them both on, hopefully both in a single bullet. Now head over to the left, but keep under the overhang. There is a Sniper who start shooting at you, likely from the building behind location you picked the tank off from. Be sure to get the Sniper inside the Church Tower as well to complete the set in this area.

Now, dash over to the next building. There is a Sniper to the South you need to contend with as well. He is on the left-hand side of the building at the end of the plaza. Now head back over the rubble toward where you started the mission. As you crest the rubble, look out as there is a second sniper in this area. Search the upper left area for him.

As you start North, there will be another Sniper to deal with as well. He is in the building in front of you just a ways ahead. As you round the corner to the left, another sniper reveals himself. Track him down with the flashes then put a round in him.