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Sniper Elite V2 Walkthrough Part 12 – The Flak Tower

Sniper Elite V2 Walkthrough Part 12 – The Flak Tower

Move forward quickly and quietly for a stealth kill on the first fellow you encounter after he finishes his conversation. Be sure to wait for the other person to leave the room first. After that, turn to the left and look down the short hallway to find him. Pop him in the head then head down the hall. Go up the stairs in the room beyond it.

At the top of the stairs, start and keep going to the right. This will keep walls between you and all the troops in the room to your left. In the final room to the right you will find some Rifle ammo. Collect it then move carefully to the door. There are at least 2 soldiers on the far side of the room. Take them out then move into the room.

On the other side, head through to the room in front. Turn left and go down the stairs that sit between the 2 rooms in the back. Head down a story then break over to the right. In room #39, under the table, is a Gold Bar.

Head back to the stair well and go down one more set. Head over to the right and turn toward the marker. Head for the door but keep to the side. There is a sniper on the level above. Look just to the left of the tank to spot him. Take him out then start across the floor to the opposite side. Now head out the door to the left.

As you emerge from the building, take cover. There are some Russians and Germans fighting it out there. Just let them for a minute then, after the fighting calms a bit, slip out and start down toward it. Get up to the first set of boxes and take cover there. Wait a moment to note all the locations of the soldiers. At that point, emerge and start taking them out quickly. If you wanted for the fighting to finish, there are at least 4 soldiers who will go down easily. Head to the far end of the road and turn to the left. Now start toward the stairs. Be sure to head into the cellar with the giant wooden crates. In the back left corner you will find a Gold Bar.

Around the top of the stairs you have at least 4 soldiers patrolling up there and a tank. The good news is  the tank is empty. There is another one on the landing just below them. Take him out first when your shot is masked. Keep this up until the soldiers stop investigating the dead bodies. At that point, head up the stairs. When you reach the level with the truck, look to the left. On top of some of the crates is a Bottle for you take out. Also to the left is the final soldier of this area. Now just head up the stairs to enter into the Flak Tower itself.