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Risen 2 Dark Waters Walkthrough Part 6: Kitchen Help

After you have finished with getting the map from the island, you had might as well begin the Kitchen Help side quest, as it is right in front of you. Across from the governor’s dwelling is a tiny house with kitchen arrangements set up inside. Walk through the small door and you will find an NPC named Osorio busy at a pot. Speak with him and he will ask about volunteers for his kitchen, as he is currently overworked and understaffed thanks to the influx of Inquisition soldiers coming in. He will currently have two jobs available. One job will be to wash dishes and do menial kitchen tasks. The other job will be a messenger job of sorts, delivering grog to the soldiers out by the outskirts of the camp. The latter of these options will initiate the Grog for the Guards quest, which will be covered in the next guide.

You will be able to tell the cook that you can either boil water or brown meat. Either way, Osorio will recognize your lack of cooking skills and deny your requests, relegating you to messenger duty. Patty, on the other hand, has a fine eye for cooking and dishes, at least in Osorio’s eyes. He will ask her to do the job for him, but she will get offended and refuse. With this, it will seem as if the quest has temporarily stopped.

Turn around and speak with Patty. You can try all manner of options when it comes to convincing her to work in the kitchen, but she won’t be fooled by any of them except for the Silver Tongue option. In order for you to successfully trick her, your Silver Tongue stat will have to be at least 10. If you haven’t leveled up yet, or you haven’t poured your Glory points into the arts of trickery and persuasion, you may not be able to do this yet. Luckily, there is plenty of wildlife scattered about the island for you to prey upon for extra Glory points, and there are absolutely tons of other side quests around the island too if you would prefer to get your Glory in a less grind-y fashion. Once you have enough to level up, dump your level up into the Silver Tongue slot. This will raise it up to ten.

Speak with Patty again and use the Silver Tongue option to trick her into working for the cook. Go back and speak with Osorio. Tell him that Patty has changed her mind, and that you will deliver to grog to the guards now. Grog for the Guards is the next quest that you should complete, for until you do so, Patty will remain in the kitchen. It can be very dangerous to explore the island, especially the forests and caves at its heart, without a companion. For now, you will receive 50 Glory points for getting Patty to agree to work in the kitchen.