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Starhawk Walkthrough Part 8 – Ashes

Starhawk Walkthrough 8 – Ashes, Dust: White Sands

Search for survivors
Jonas takes a bullet before the mission starts. That cannot be good. Tracy is on the line as well, letting you know some of what is happening in White Sands. Head up to the top of the slope and take out the all of the Outcast there. Once they are dealt with then it is time to see what has happened to White Sands

Head down the slope and run forward to make it to White Sands proper. The town is a Warzone with Outcast attacking Tracy from all sides. Join in the fray and send them back to their source. Just after that the Sheriff's Office gets blown to kingdom come by some artillery.

Secure the Saloon
Start running for the Saloon as soon as it is an option. There is plenty of heavy fire coming at you from all the Outcast still in town. Clear out the ground based Outcast then start building up some defenses for the Saloon. Get some Beam and Auto Turrets in place, maybe a bit of Wall as well.

Assist Tilley
With the Saloon secure, it is time for the next objective. Head over to the right and start gunning for all the Outcast there. Gun down all the Outcast on the ground then approach the Mechanics. Be sure to grab the Rocket Launcher that is at the base of the stairs on your way up because things are about to get ugly.

Destroy Ox Tank
The good news is it takes 3 shots from the Rocket Launcher to finish off the tank and the Outcast are really bad drivers. The bad news is it can still flatten you with one or two. Just find some cover and get those shots off to finish it before it can do much.

Secure the Store
Scabs start pouring out from the remains of the General Store. If you built up some defenses in front of the Saloon, they will be a big help now. If the turrets are down, replace them quickly. Mix the turrets with everyone else here and this wave will get wiped out very quickly.

Return to Jonas
After that, this is a cake walk. Head back over to the Saloon and talk with Jonas some to see what has been happening. He is not doing well but still is looking after the town first.

Defend the Saloon
Cutter calls in to let you know 3 waves are coming: Pods, Razorbacks and another Tank . You have 1 minute to get everything in place before everything starts. Get some Rift energy ready and make sure there are walls around the Saloon itself. Put Auto Turrets on as many as possible then get ready for a fight. If you can spare the energy for a Supply Depot, do it. That will come in handy later on in the fight

When things start, they start big. The Scabs come in with an initial wave of about 8-10. There are a total of 4-6 Razorbacks that will come rolling in as well. The MAW Rocket Launcher does a great job of making short work of them.

Destroy the Ox Tanks
Just as the fight looks to be over, the Outcast have one final trick. They are sending in 3 Scab Tanks. Get your Rocket stocked and be absolutely sure there is a Supply Depot on hand. Cutter will also make a depot available. Get it in place as soon as you can. It will be a huge help against the tanks as its fire power matches them. You need to get in the tank and drive out to each of the 3 tanks and destroy them. Once that is done, just head back to town.

Defend the town
Time for another few waves of Outcast. They do not make this easy. Rebuild walls around the Saloon to help against the pending ground forces. As soon as you can though get a Beam Turret in place to deal with the Hawks, Apex and everything not running toward you.

The hawks get a total of 5 or so to come at the Saloon. Even 1 Beam Turret is more than enough to fend them off for quite as while as long as you have a have MAW Launcher. Just keep locking on and shooting them down.

The Pod wave is probably the easiest. They all come in with the Grinder Flamethrower thoguh but a charge through with your own will make very short work of them.

The Tank is something else. If you still have your own Ox Tank, hop in it and take out the other. Otherwise just pull out the MAW or the Grinder and rip the opposing tank to shreds as fast as you can.

The trio of Apex warriors are the last bit (potentially). If you have the Ox Tank, then the fight is over and you win. A few shells from the tank and they are down for the count. If not, then you have a bitmore of a challenge. Just run and gun with your best weapons here to take them down.