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Journey Walkthrough Part 1 – The Beginning

Journey Walkthrough Part 1 – The Beginning

Camera Controls:
The Camera is controlled through the Six Axis aspect of your controller and the Right Thumbstick.

Use the Left Thumbstick to control your Wanderer

Pauses the Game. Use Select on this screen to access the Options menu. In options you can use Chapter Select and change how the camera is controlled.

Rotate the camera to get the Large Dune in view and the Wanderer to stand up. Head for the nearby giant dune in front of the Wanderer.

The first Dune destination in Journey

Walk up the slope to the post with Streamers. There you will the opening sequence.

Title Screen of Journey

Start down the slope into the “graveyard”. Head through, toward the building with the thin beam of light coming out of it. Head up to it.

The Shrine you want to go to after reaching the top of the dune

The Wanderer automatically hops up small ledges.

Once you are on top, approach the glyphs. This will grant your character the first piece of their scarf.

Hold the “X” Button to Jump upwards. Do this a few times to get the feel for how the Wanderer will move when Jumping/Floating. Notice that afterwards, your scarf will not be glowing. Until  it is at full glow again, you will not be able to jump.

Head off to the right of this “Shrine”. Just a short ways away you will notice another Shrine with bits of paper fluttering around it. Head toward that.

Dune Destination after acquiring scarf

Again, turn to the right and you will spot more fluttering paper. Head over there. Use your Jump to speed up your travel some as this is not a long trek.

Ruins to investigate

Once there you will want to head up to the top of the nearby dune to your right. Turn to the right. You will see, amid the “tombstones” a structure. Head over there, and en route there is a place to restore your scarf, and explore it some. Just inside this structure you will see a wall with 2 stone posts on each side. Have your Wanderer stand in-between them. At least one of them will glow in response to the presence of the Wanderer. Now, hold “Circle”. The Wanderer will let out a sound that will light the post and reveal a pictograph on the wall.

The Wanderer at the Pictograph Wall

Now, head to the left and go down the slope. Go between the two “tombstones” to head down into the valley.

At the bottom, stand the first stone platform you find. There you will find more bits of paper to recharge your scarf. To the right you will notice a Pillar with a glow above it.

Head toward it but save your Jump for now. Once you are close by, head up the slope to the right and go up to the ledge close to the pillar. Now jump onto the pillar and collect the glowing Gylph. This will extend the length of your scarf. Start across the area now to the opposite side of the large pillar in the middle.

Getting the first Scarf Glyph

Once on the other side you want to use the stairs to begin climbing up it. As you circle around it, you will find a second set of stairs to climb.

The hidden walkway to the second Scarf Glyph

Before you go up these, stay on the level you are on and head along the path in front of you. You will find another Glyph here.

The Second Scarf Glyph

Now backtrack to the second set of stairs and take them up. Once you are on the top, hold “Circle”. This will trigger the Streamers around you. This unleashes a mass of scarf fragments. Again, hold “Circle”.

Getting across the broken bridge

This will mass them around you and launch your Wanderer high up in the area. Move forward, over where the broken bridge is to the far platform. There, walk up to the stone markers.

Activating the Shrine

Once again, hold “Circle” to let out a cry and set them all aglow. This will teleport the Wanderer somewhere and you are treated t oa cutscene hinting to approach the massive mountain that leads to a land of people, trees and animals. Once the scene is over, the gates ahead of you open. Head through and down the hallway in front of you.