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Max Payne 3 Walkthrough Part 6: Anyone Can Buy Me A Drink Part 1

This will be a flashback mission in which Max looks back upon his first meeting with Passos. Naturally, it will find Max sitting at a bar steeped in self-pity. A group of rowdy twenty-somethings will burst into the bar shouting and generally making jerks of themselves. As seems to be their habit, they will begin to harass Max. They’ll take the argument a little far when Max snaps back at them, insulting his dead wife and claiming to own the town. They are, as it turns out, the children of a mob boss of some sort.


Max’s jibes will take the argument one step too far, and the kid will pull out a gun. Passos will walk into the bar and put a gun to the kid’s head, warning them all to leave just in time. It seems as if Passos knows Max, although the favor doesn’t seem to be returned by Max. They attended the Police Academy together, but Passos will explain that he quit recently to become a bodyguard. He will mention a recruitment drive, but Max won’t bite. When Passos offers to buy Max a drink, though, his vices will get the best of him and he will have to sit down and get to know Passos. As it turns out, Max likes Passos after all.


The hoodlums from earlier will burst in again, with more help this time around. When they strike the lady sitting next to Max, all bets will be off and Max will pull out his gun to retaliate, shooting the mob boss’ son dead on the spot. This will transition you seamlessly into a gunfight with the rest of the mob thugs. A few of them will take cover by the table ahead. Run to the booths at the side of the area and take cover behind them to protect yourself from their advances. Pop out and shoot across the room towards the pool table. When most of the enemies are dead, feel free to rush towards the pool table to pressure the last enemy or two into running out. When all of the enemies on your floor are dead, look to the balcony above to find one last enemy running out, trying to get the jump on you by rushing out from above. Kill him and Passos will run on ahead. Follow him through the bar.


Along the way, be sure to loot any weapons and ammo you may want from the fallen enemies by the pool table. Run down the stairs to follow Passos and find another group of four enemies waiting for you. Take cover behind the short end of the counter so that you can fire upon the enemies who will be coming at you from both sides. More enemies will await you in the kitchen to the left. Shoot them as well, popping out in Bullet Time to give yourself some extra time to draw a bead on them. Another enemy will run in through the double doors at the end of the area, to the left. He will be followed by a second and third enemy. Take cover in the doorway and peek around to find and kill all three of them. Loot them for ammo and head outside through the already-opened set of double doors.


Follow Passos past the kegs and grab the Painkillers from the left. Running into the office to the side, you can find a few scandalous posters on the wall and Max will make a comment about not remembering most nights after six PM. When you’re ready to, head outside through the double doors. Max will lead Passos into the snow-covered streets of New Jersey. They will take cover behind a small wall. On the other side will be several cars, behind which a group of enemies will be talking. You can listen to their whole conversation if you want, or you can cut it short by popping out from cover, activating Bullet Time, and killing as many as you can before rushing out of cover to the right and diving in Bullet Time through the cars ahead, picking off the rest of the enemies as you fly through the air. Either way, you will have to fight the enemies at some point. When you do, watch out for the two enemies behind the car to the left, as they will put down covering fire on the enemies directly in front of you when you pop out to deal with them.


When all of the enemies are dead, leave whatever cover you had and run to the left past the cars. Again, loot the ammo from the fallen enemies and head into the alley directly across from the little wall that you were taking cover behind before. As you run down the alley, another car full of enemies will skid to a stop at the end of the alley. Passos will tell you to wait in cover as he attempts to flank to enemies. Max will worry that Passos is setting him up, but he will have no choice but to trust him. Lean out and fire upon the first few enemies and Passos will rush out from the left to hit them from behind. Together, you should be strong enough to take out all of the enemies by getting them in a pincer between both of your gunfire.


When the enemies are dead, leave cover and run up towards the car. More enemies will have found themselves positions on the fire escapes ahead. Take cover behind the dumpster to the right, from which you can get a good view of the enemy on the fire escape to the left ahead. Take him out and run ahead to meet up with Passos again. Max will lead Passos to his apartment, which, true to form, will be steeped in alcohol and mess. This will lead into the second segment of the mission, which will be covered in the next guide.