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Max Payne 3 Walkthrough Part 7: Anyone Can Buy Me A Drink Part 2

Passos will get a little tour of Max’s apartment, which will of course be steeped in filth, but it will be cut short by the mob appearing outside of Max’s apartment complex and calling out for blood. They will run into the apartments and begin searching each one for Max and Passos. There will not be any way for you to hide, so you will simply have to fight. As you converse with Passos, he will push for Max to join up with him at the bodyguard job. Max will remain stubborn, but as we all know, he will eventually have to give in. For now, though, you’ll just have to worry about the angry mobsters running around through the streets and halls of your apartment.


Passos will again lead the way out into the apartment ahead. Snipers will be aiming in through the window, but your first order of business will be to shoot the man who runs in through the caution tape to the right. Another enemy will run out from the end of the hall after you’ve killed the first, followed quickly by another armed with a Micro 9mm. Shoot them both and search inside of Max’s apartment. Examine him police badge on the table and pick up some Painkillers from the bathroom and the battle before heading out to face the snipers.


When you are ready, hold A to sprint down the hall, avoiding fire from the windows. Alternately, you can fight back against the snipers by taking cover just under the window. The snipers won’t be so far away as to be inaccessible to you, you simply take cover under the windows, break out the glass, and follow the lasers back to their points of inception. Most of them will be positioned on the rooftop directly across from the first window, although two of them will be a little lower and to your right. Either way, proceed to the end of the hall and turn to the left.


Another thug will get Max cornered, but Max’s mentally unstable neighbor Brewer will pop out with a shotgun and shoot him. Armed with homemade explosives on his chest, the man will warn Max not to fear the fire before rushing around the corner and attracting the mobsters. When they get close enough, an explosion will warp and shake the apartments. When the cutscene ends, head into his apartment to the right. Examine his journal to find one clue, and head into his bathroom and examine the newspaper clippings on the wall to find another clue. It looks like Brewer has been keeping up with Max’s troubled life quite well for some reason. Finally, you can watch the TV in Brewer’s apartment to find a final clue, although you’ll just end up watching cartoons.


After collecting the clues and watching the strange TV show, leave the apartment and head to the right before turning the corner to the left to the charred area of the apartments, still aflame from the explosion. Head down the hall towards the flames. You will find the charred bodies of the mobsters there. Head past them and go through the demolished wall, into the charred innards of the building and up the stairs on the other side. Head through the door to the roof. You will come upon three enemies immediately. Dive forward in Bullet Time and open fire on them, killing them, and then take cover behind the metal unit to your right. Another group of enemies will come in from your front right, on the other side of the rooftop. Pop out from cover and shoot them up as well, using Bullet Time to get a good bead if necessary.


Run around the corner of the rooftop. You will come across still more enemies. Take cover on the low lip of the rooftop, shooting down over it onto the enemies underneath of you. When the coast looks clear enough, vault over the low wall by hitting A and take cover behind the small brick chimney. A group of three more enemies will attack you from the other side of the rooftop. Advance from behind the chimney to behind the low lip of the rooftop divider. As you advance, watch out for an enemy who will pop out from your right. Take him out, and then take cover behind the lip of the wall and fire out upon the remaining enemies. An airplane will fly overhead, marking that you have officially cleared out this section of the rooftop.


Now is a good time to travel the area and loot guns and ammo from your enemies. When you are done, climb up the ramp to the left to reach a higher point. Max will climb up onto a water tower and look down upon the enemies below. One enemy will shoot the water tower and send it collapsing down upon them. The game will enter into Bullet Time and you will have to take out the six enemies below. Go for headshots. Max will jump off of the collapsing water tower at the last possible second, clinging desperately onto the roof. Passos will walk out just a few minutes too late and you will reunite.


Follow Passos to reach the next objective in this mission. At this point, you will only have a little bit more shooting to go. See the next guide for strategy for the conclusion of this mission.