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Max Payne 3 Walkthrough Part 5: Just Another Day At The Office Part 3

As you reach the top of the sniper tower, Passos will inform you that the enemies are heading over his way. Now it’ll be your turn to protect him, as he will jump down out of his perch in the announcer’s tower. He will try to get back in to surprise them from behind, but it’ll be locked. Panicked, he will run downstairs as the enemies run after him. Target the enemy running up the stairs, and then the one running down the stairs. Passos will run to his next cover point behind a concrete barrier. Look up the stairs in front of him to find another enemy. Shoot him with your rifle as well and Passos will run to the next point. He’ll warn you about more enemies coming from above him. Look above him on the staircase to find the first one, and look to the staircase to the right to find the next one. Look back to where you shot the first enemy to find more coming. Kill them and Passos will be able to run up and try to get into the stadium. It’ll be locked, though, and more enemies will run out as Passos cowers behind the bleachers. Three enemies will come at him from the opposite side of the bleachers, and as soon as you finish them off more will approach from the right of Passos. Kill them and then quickly look up the stiars. Two more enemies will be descending the stairs towards Passos. Kill them both and your friend will run for the safety of the stairs. Keep tracking him, as one last enemy will try to stop him as he runs up the stairs. Shoot the enemy to trigger a cutscene.


Max will warn Passos to head for the chopper, as the opposition is just too fierce. Another sniper will find Max and begin laying down covering fire on him. Max will run down the stairs and through the fence ahead, taking cover by the bleachers. Lacking any rifle ammo, he will just have to run for cover. He will eventually find his way inside of the stadium’s offices, where he will use the security feeds to find the enemies. The man with the bag has been captured, and the paramilitary guys have him at gunpoint. Although he pleads for his life, it won’t be enough. The man with the bag will spill Fabiana’s location, hoping that they will spare his life in return for the information. Sadly, that’s not what these guys are looking for. They’ll put a hole through his head and take the three million dollars.


Max takes cover and gets ready to fight his way out, towards the Tiete Docks where Fabiana is being held. Pop out from cover when you see the second enemy patrol come out up above. Enter Bullet Time and take them both out at once. Then rush out and put the heat on the other two enemies, who will be waiting up at the top of the stairs. Shoot them with dual pistols to expidite their deaths. Turn the corner ahead and dive down the hall towards the enemy who will emerge to attack you. Take him out with headshots, and then rush the enemy by the ladder. Max will climb up the ladder as more enemies converge on him.


You will now find yourself fighting on a group of catwalks above the stadium. Two enemies will attack you from the other side. Run down the catwalks in Bullet Time, taking your time to pick and shoose your headshots. As you near the ladder, watch out for a third enemy, who will have been hiding behind the base of the ladder. Kill him with close-range attacks and grab any ammo you need before climbing up the ladder. Max will comment about how it was strange that no police showed up as you climb the ladder. When you reach the top, be ready to dive forward. More enemies will be waiting for you up here, but you can take them out by Shoot-Dodging ahead in Bullet Time, aiming for the head if you can.


Appraoch the light fixture to the right when all of the enemies are dead. Max will jump off and grab the lights, breaking them and swinging through the window below. You’ll enter Bullet Time automatically as you hit the ground, taking an enemy to the floor with you. Shoot him repeatedly to kill him and run out the door to the right to reunite with Passos at last. A cutscene will trigger and you will have beaten this level.


Max and Passos will run towards the helicopter in the center of the stadium. They won’t be safe just yet, though. An enemy will train an RPG on them, but he will be subdued by another foe. The enemies are here for the money, not you, or so they say. They will, of course, come to regret this decision, as Max and Passos will soon be coming for them, Fabiana, and the money. For now, though, watch as the helicopter flies away and reality fades into fantasy as Max flashes back to his first meeting with Passos in New Jersey. This will be your next mission, and the first of several callbacks to the dirty streets of New Jersey that were the hallmark of the first two games.