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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 13 – Alester – Character Creation Part 9 – Assassination Stance Tree

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 13 – Alester – Character Creation Part 9 – Assassination Stance Tree

Sneak Attack
Energy Cost: 37
Weapon required: One-handed weapon
Type: Damage
“Take advantage of an unsuspecting opponent to inflict significant damage.”
Effects: Damage x1.8, if your opponent is not targeting you: damage x3

Deterring Strike
Requires: Sneak Attack
Energy Cost: 29
Weapon required: One-handed weapon
Type: Area Damage
“Unleash a swift circular attack that sends your opponents (within a range of 3 meters) fleeing, This ability is executed from your present position.”
Effects: Damage x0.8, your opponents will attack your teammate (if you have one).

Requires: Deterring Strike
Energy Cost:  None
Weapon required: None
Type: Passive
“You tear into an inattentive opponent.”
Effects: Chance of inflicting Bleeding (7s) with each attack on an opponent not attacking you: 15%

Precision Strike
Requires: Vicious
Energy Cost: 22
Weapon required: One-handed weapon
Type: Damage over time
“Land a well-aimed strike that is intended to weaken the time with blood loss”
Effects: Damage x1.2, Bleeding (7s). If your opponent's already Bleeding: Bleed (14s)

Assassin's Dance
Requires: Deterring Strike
Energy Cost: None
Weapon required: None
Type: Passive
“You are free to focus on inflicting devastating strikes when not targeted by an opponent”
Effects: If no opponents are targeting you: Chance of Critical Hit +5%, Critical Damage +10%

Thirst For Life
Requires: Assassin's Dance
Energy Cost: None
Weapon required: None
Type: Passive
“Your will to survive allows you to find a way out when things look grim.”
Effects: When your health is lower than 50%: Dodge +6%

Requires: Thrist For Life
Energy Cost: 45
Weapon required: One-handed weapon
Type: Defensive
“Ignore damage fro a short period of time when on the brink of death.”
Effects: You become Invincible (8s) when you have 20% health remaining

Poisoned Weapon
Requires: Sneak attack
Energy Cost: 20
Weapon required: One-handed
Type: Poison
“Apply hemlock to your blade. Your next attack will poison your opponent.”
Effects: Hemlock poison (10s): Attack speed -30%, Hit chance -20%

Blinding Dust
Requires: Poison Blade
Energy Cost: 33
Weapon required: One-handed weapon
Type: Interrupt
“Stun and disorient your opponent by precisely tossing dust into their eyes.”
Effects: Stunned (2.5s)

Requires: Blinding Dust
Energy Cost: None
Weapon required: None
Type: Passive
“You take advantage of any opportunity during a fight.”
Effects: Damage +10% on opponents having the state Stunned, Knocked Down or fighting an ally

Savage Strike
Requires: Guile
Energy Cost: 40
Weapon required: One-handed weapon
Type: Interrupt, Damage
“Crown your opponent with a vicious blow.”
Effects: Damage x1.9. If your opponent is Stunned: Damage x3.2

Pommel Strike
Requires: Savage Strike
Energy Cost: 36
Weapon required: One-handed weapon
Type: Damage, Disarmament
“Strike your opponent with the pommel of your sword.”
Effects: Damage x1.6. If your opponent is in Counter-attack: Disarmed

Requires: Poison Blade
Energy Cost: None
Weapon required: None
Type: Passive
“You have learned the vagaries of poisoning and can now apply them to gain a great advantage.”
Effects: Sneak Attack will cause max damage to an opponent poisoned with Hemlock even when he is targeting you.

Requires: Apothecary
Energy Cost: None
Weapon required: None
Type: Passive
“Your Hemlock poison can be spread to other opponents”
Effects: With every blow to an opponent poisoned by Hemlock: Chance of 50% that Hemlock will spread (8s) to another opponent who is in a range of 4 meters around your opponent.