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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 14 – Alester – Character Creation Part 10 – Dexterity Stance Tree

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 14 – Alester – Character Creation Part 10 – Dexterity Stance Tree

Paralyzing Powder
Energy Cost: 25
Weapon required: Bow, Crossbow
Type: Immobilize
“Throw paralyzing powder at the opponents facing you (within a 120 degree cone over 4 meteres”
Effects: Immobilized (7s)

Poisoned Missile
Requires: Paralyzing Powder
Energy Cost: 11
Weapon required: Bow, Crossbow
Type: Poison
“Apply Hemlock to your projectile. Your attack will poison your opponent.”
Effects: Hemlock poison (10s): Attack speed -30%, Hit chance -20%

Requires: Poisoned Missile
Energy Cost: None
Weapon required: None
Type: Passive
“Your missiles hit with greater force, which increases the chance of immobilizing your opponent.”
Effects: Chance of inflicting Immobilized (8s) with each attack: 5%

Target Practice
Requires: Impact
Energy Cost: None
Weapon required: None
Type: Passive
“You need less time to shoot at immobilized enemies.”
Effects: If your opponent's immobilized: Attack Speed +20%

Requires: Target Practice
Energy Cost: None
Weapon required: Bow, Crossbow
Type: Support
“Take time to regain your energy while focusing on your enemies”
Effects:  Forced not to attack for 2s, Energy gain 25/100

Head Shot
Requires: Impact
Energy Cost: 42
Weapon required: Bow, Crossbow
Type: Interrupt, Damage
“Take time to aim at your opponent's head.”
Effects: Damage x1.7, Knocked down (3s)

Explosive Missile
Requires: Head Shot
Energy Cost: 46
Weapon required: Bow, Crossbow
Type: Area Interrupt, Damage
“Hurl an explosive projectile at your opponent. All opponents fighting within 3 meters of the target are affected”
Effects: Damage: 120 Health points, Stunned 3s

Rapid Fire
Requires: Paralyzing Powder
Energy Cost: 16
Weapon required: Bow, Crossbow
Type: Support, damage
“Shoot frantically at your opponent (16s)”
Effects: Attack speed +25% against your target

Sequential Shot
Requires: Rapid Fire
Energy Cost: None
Weapon required: None
Type: Passive
“You become more accurate when repeatedly firing at the same target, inflicting more critical hits.”
Effects: Hit chance +3% with each attack on the same target. Critical hit for every 5 attacks on the same target.

Deft Reloads
Requires: Sequential Shot
Energy Cost: None
Weapon required: None
Type: Passive
“Your time spent training allows you to reload your weapion more quickly”
Effects: Reload speed +10%

Skilled Marksman
Requires: Deft Reloads
Energy Cost: None
Weapon required: None
Type: Passive
“You require less time to aim at your opponents.”
Effects: Aiming speed +15%

Smoke Bomb
Requires: Rapid Fire
Energy Cost: 13
Weapon required: Bow, Crossbow
Type: Support
“Conceal yourself from your opponents in a cloud of smoke (if you do not have a teammate, your opponents will contine to attack you).”
Effects: Loss of aggressiveness

Discourteous Kick
Requires: Smoke Bomb
Energy Cost: 35
Weapon required: None
Type: Interrupt, Damage
“Kick your opponent in the groin.”
Effects: Damage: 75 Health Points, Bleeding (12s)

Requires: Discourteous Kick
Energy Cost: None
Weapon required: None
Type: Passive
“You are able to target your opponent's wound.”
Effects: Chance of Critical Hit +20%. Each Critical Hit will Immobilize the opponent (7s)