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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 15 – Alester – For All the Days Gone By, Part 1

Game of Thones Walkthrough 15 – Alester – For All the Days Gone By, Part 1

Objective 1: “Go to Riverspring Castle to attend your father's wake.”

Head over to the left and go to the right to reach the dock. Head over to the right and talk with Tyrek.  Now head back to the dock you came up. Turn to the right and favor the left-hand side of the road. You will see a man in front of a cart by some crates. Look into the crates to find some money.

Continue South to find your way to the Merchants' Square. Here you can potentially buy some items.

Now just head West into the Merchant's Square. You will be intercepted by a merchant who gives you an explanation of what weapons are most effective against which types of armor.

Tutorial: Types of Damage
Effectiveness of weapons on armor
All Weapons – Cloth/No Armor
Cutting Weapons – Light Armor
Perforating Weapons – Medium Armor
Blunt Weapons – Heavy Armor
When weapons are effective against armor a 15% damage bonus is awarded

Now continue to the South and West. You will eventually find a large gate with 3 Guards in front of it. Approach them to trigger the next part of the quest. Ryman will make an appearance and will fight you. Remember what you learned with Mors on combat. It is easy enough beat Ryman.

The fight is interrupted by Maester Harwyn who beseeches both fighters to stop. Harwyn asks you to follow him to the Godswood. Follow him forward and to the right. Once there, just head through the doors to reach the Godswood. Elyana will approach you as you come in.

Objective 2: “Pay homage to the mortal remains of your father, Lord Raynald Sarwyck.”

Head forward to the memorial for your father. Alester just needs to approach the memorial.

Objective 3: “Harwyn, the maester of Riverspring, wishes to discuss your lands' troubles.”

You can approach Ravella and talk with her after all the conversations after the scene at the funeral. After that, head through the gates to her left into the Courtyard of Riverspring Castle. Once inside, head over to the right. There you will find the Maester at the other end of the courtyard. He brings Alester up to speed on things. You get to ask a few questions to learn more about what has been happening. After the talk, the town has erupted into a mob.