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Diablo 3 Walkthrough Part 26: Wortham Chapel Cellar

your current objective in "The Doom in Wortham" quest is to travel to the Center of Wortham. You encounter more Dark Zealots, as well as Dark Evokers. A villager begs that you save his family, who is hiding in the chapel with the rest of the townsfolk, and runs off to the chapel, ignoring Leah's warnings. Follow him to the chapel. Your next task is to kill the cultists outside the chapel. When you kill all the enemies in this zone, Maghda appears. She tells you that you cannot keep the sword from her, and that her servants will burn this town to ashes.

She summons a boss:

Urzeg Mordreg
Dark Hierophant

Your objective is to kill Urzeg Mordreg. Urzeg is a mage who summons dark hellions and shoots fireballs at you. He can be pretty vulnerable from melee range, so attack in melee if you can. Otherwise, use your direct range attacks to eliminate him.  Dark Berserkers (Jailers) also appear and join the fight. These are huge creatures attacking in melee, so be ready to deal with them simultaneously. Kill the Dark Berserkers after you are done with Uzreg.

When you have killed all the mobs, the villagers thank you for saving their lives. Talk to the priest near the burning building. You tell him you see a sword hilt fallen from the sky, which glows with powerful magic. The priest tells you they found it days ago. He wishes they've never brought it here. He left Virgil to guard it, they will be happy to get rid of it.

Leah tells you she is going back to Tristram to check on Uncle Deckard. She is no longer following you for now.

Your quest updates:

The Doom in Wortham
Enter the Wortham Chapel Cellar

Follow the priest into the cellar and search for the Sword Hilt. When you interact with the stand supposedly containing the Glowing Sword Shard, you find out that it is not here. Suddenly Maghda shows up. She laughs and tells you that while you were on your hero's errand here, saving the village,she captured all three sword pieces, and your friends.

You now need to get back to New Tristram fast and take care of this disturbing new development. Your objective is to enter Cain's house in New Tristram. Use either your town portal spell, or the waypoint nearby, and teleport to town. Enter Deckard Cairn's House, which is located to the right of the inn.

This completes the quest, The Doom in Wortham. At this point you should also be getting the following achievement:

A Nice Place to Visit
Explore the following areas of New Tristram:
Overlook Road, the Slaughtered Calf Inn, Cain's House, The Old Ruins, New Tristram, Leah's Room, Old Tristram Road, Adria's Hutt

As you enter Cain's home, a cutscene unveils. Maghda is holding Deckard Cain and Leah hostage. She tells Cain it is his choice, he either uses his Horadric Arts to repair the sword, or his dear Leah dies a horrible death. Deckard is kneeling to the ground, trapped by a spell of a dark cultists, with the three sword parts laying on the floor in front of him.

Maghda says she wants the sword for her master, Belial. She hurts Deckard, which causes Leah to be overcome with rage and break free from her captors. Maghda tells Leah that her rage is overwhelming, and admits that Leah wins this round, but if the sword cannot be hers, she will claim the one it's bound to. In the end, Maghda says, the blade will be hers. She casts a spell on the Stranger, and disappears with him. Leah runs towards her uncle, telling him that he can't die now. But Deckard says that nothing can stop that now. But there is one last thing he must do. The sword must be made whole. With his dying breath, he unites the sword. Just as he suspected, the sword is of the High Heavens. The Stranger is an angel. Heed the journal, the truth lies within.

Uncle Deckard Dies, and the cutscene ends.