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Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain – Side Ops 61 Unlucky Dog 01


Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain – Unlucky Dog 01

You can easily sneak into the outpost by crawling under the building via the opening along the northeastern wall. Guards patrol the upper level and there are two stationed to watch the prisoner.

If you do sneak in, you’ll pop out by the door just outside of where the prisoner is being kept. Wait until the soldiers on the wall are looking away, quietly go through the door and into the building so that the guards don’t hear you, and tranquilise them through the bars in the door to the cell.

You can grab the prisoner, head down the corridor and fulton him off through the hole in the ceiling.

Alternatively, you can lay waste to the outpost – make sure you destroy the comms equipment so that they can’t call for back up – and extract the prisoner. You can destry the anti-air radar for good measure and call the chopper, which can now land right inside the compound.

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