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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 17 – Alester – For All the Days Gone By, Part 3

Game of Thones Walkthrough Part 17 – Alester – For All the Days Gone By, Part 3

Time to head to the Northeast to the next part of the quest. As you pass through the gate into the town itself, Ryman will recognize someone and call them out. The 4 people will immediately attack Alester and Ryman. Defeat them then continue to the East to find more people that need to be dealt with. Defeat them and they will talk with you a moment.

With that dealt with, head to the North to move toward the second point in the quest. As you descend the steps toward the Market Square, turn to the left to find Hother. He leads a squad of Crossbowmen. Talk with him and Alester will send him and everyone there up onto the roofs. After that, continue down into the Square to deal with the next point the quest.

Dough Ball and Preston are arguing. Tyrek is mentioned here. Preston is on the side of Tyrek, pushing to overthrow the house while the blacksmith and Dough Ball side with the House. You have a number of choices but you can talk him down and with an oath to either the Seven or R'hllor, he will believe you.

Now turn around and head to the North, turning West as soon as you can, then go South. There are a few conversations to be had now. First is Habert who is keeping a watch for his friend as he loots a corpse. Convince him that he should go home by choosing “he doesn't understand how serious his actions are.”

Head across the bridge to encounter 2 more people who will attack you. With that, you will save Clifford. Now return to the Castle there are a few things to do that can only be accessed through the Castle Gates.

Once inside the Castle, head all the way to the Northern end of it. Cross through the gate there. Time for the second conversation. There you will find Benfrey to talk with. He tells you there are a few people trapped in there. You can either leave them be, closing off an entry/exit point to the castle, or let them loose. If you loose them, 4 villages will attack you. None are wearing armor, making it an easy fight. Defeat them and Ryman will ask for the next portcullis to be opened. Head forward and through it.

Head North to the pier and go to the West first. There is one more conversation to be had. This one is with Robin. You can talk him down from jumping into the river easily, the fear of death will do nothing though.

Head to the East to reach the final objective of the quest. Approach and the peasants will grab the guest and threaten their lives. You can either attack or attempt to reason. Reason offers the least loss of life but both are valid ways to resolve it. Fighting means losing some the nobles, so keep that in mind. If you talk, you can either kill the thieves, let them take the jewels of the nobles or have House Sarwyck pay for the demands. The choice is yours.

With this done, it is time to return to the Castle and face Tyrek. He is a dangerous foe and should not be handled lightly.

Objective 5: Go to the Castle entrance to negotiate with Tyrek, the instigator of this uprising.

Head to the gate. There you will have all your actions accounted for. At the end, you can either kill Tyrek or let him live (in the dungeons at least). It is your choice.

With the riot quelled, it is time for Alester and the Maester to talk of his youngest brother. The Maester will ask you to find him in the castle.