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Game Of Thrones Walkthrough Part 19 – Character Creation Part 11 - Frenzy Stance Skill Tree

Game Of Thrones Walkthrough Part 19 – Character Creation Part 11 - Frenzy Stance Skill Tree

Requires: None
Energy Cost: 25
Weapon required: 2 One-handed weapons
Type: Prolonged Damage
“Slash your opponent to make him bleed.”
Effects: Damage x1.2, Bleeding 7s

Vicious Hit
Requires: Slash
Energy Cost: 37
Weapon required: 2 One-handed weapons
Type: Damage
“Make the most of your opponent's blood loss to inflict serious damage and stun him.”
Effects: Damage x1.4. If your opponent is Bleeding: Damage x2.2, Stunned 4s

Requires: Vicious Hit
Energy Cost: 37
Weapon required: 2 One-handed weapons
Type: Area Damage
“Attack all your enemies (within a range of 3 meters). This ability is executed from your current position.”
Effects: Damage x1.2

Warrior's Aura
Requires: Vicious Hit
Energy Cost: None
Weapon required: None
Type: Passive
“You and your allies become invigorated each time to succeed in interrupting an opponent.”
Effects: For each time you interrupt an opponent's ability: Critical Hit Chance +5% for you and all your allies (max at +25%)

Flurry of Blows
Requires: Rage
Energy Cost: 38
Weapon required: 2 One-handed Weapons
Type: Damage
“Hammer your opponent with blow after blow.”
Effects: Hit 1: Damage x1.2, Hit 2: Damage 1.4, Hit 3: Damage x2

Requires: Warrior's Aura
Energy Cost: 40
Weapon required: 2 One-handed Weapons
Type: Interrupt, Damage
“Attempt to slit your opponent's throat. The lower your opponent's health, the less chance he has of dodging.”
Effects: Damage x4, Bleeding 7s, Knock Down 4s

Victorious Assault
Requires: Cutthroat/Flurry of Blows
Energy Cost: 23
Weapon required: 2 One-handed Weapons
Type: Damage
“Mercilessly attack an opponent wo has been Knocked down.”
Effects: Damage x0.8. Bonus If your opponent is Knocked down: Damage x2.8, Health +15%

Requires: Slash
Energy Cost: None
Weapon required: None
Type: Passive
“You avenge every critical blow you receive.”
Effects: When you receive a Critical Hit, your next attack will inflict Bleeding 8s

Tough Nut
Requires: Revenge
Energy Cost: None
Weapon required: None
Type: Passive
“You've learned from all the bad hits you've taken and figured out how to protect yourself from similar attacks.”
Effects: Damage resistance +4% with each Critical Hit received (max of +20%)

Blood Frenzy
Requires: Revenege
Energy Cost: 17
Weapon required: 2 One-handed Weapons
Type: Support
“Whip yourself and all your allies into a rage.”
Effects: Blood Frenzy 15s: Damage +6%, Attack Speed +8%

Requires: Tough Nut
Energy Cost: None
Weapon required: None
Type: Passive
“Your abilities require less energy as your armor takes damage.”
Effects: Energy Cost -10% with each 20% of health lost.

Requires: Blood Frenzy
Energy Cost: 20
Weapon required: 2 One-handed Weapons
Type: Support
“Become enraged for a short period and go Berserk if your health drops below 50%”
Effects:  Berserk 25s: Attack Speed +20%, Damage +12%, Loss of control.

Requires: Tireless
Energy Cost: None
Weapon required: None
Type: Passive
“You enter into a trance when about to die.”
Effects: Energy recover +10% when you have less than 50% health.

Requires: Fury/Trance
Energy Cost: None
Weapon required: None
Type: Passive
“You are able to walk the knife's edge between madness and clarity of thought in combat.”
Effects: When you are under Berserk: You no longer lose control of your character. You steal 40 health points to your opponent with each attack.