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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 21 – Alester – For All Days Gone By, Part 4

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 21 – Alester – For All Days Gone By, Part 4

Objective: “Harwyn promises to give you information concerning your brother Gawen's disappearance. Meet him inside Riverspring Castle.”

Turn around and head into the gates behind you. Ryman will leave your party. Head to the Southeast to find where you are to meet Harwyn. As you approach the gate into the Castle itself your sister, Elyana, will approach you and say she needs to speak with you. She can be a bit insistent on the matter. Doing so and you can make your own stance on her pending marriage to Valarr known. Alester will make his displeasure readily known about this wedding. Elyana sees no other way at present. Continue on into the keep after that.

Once inside, just head South, up the stairs in front of you to reach Harwyn. He reveals that Gawen has been disinherited only a few days before the death of their father. Alester is a bit shocked to learn this. Still, he intends to stay and become Lord of Riverspring. It is time to rest for a little though.

Objective: “Return to your chamber in order to make contact with your temple.”

Head to the East from where you talked with Harwyn and take the stairs to the South upwards. From there, just over to the West. There you will find Alester's chamber. Here, he will gaze into the fire and contact Master Betharios. You choose which way to take the conversation:

Betharios: “Good evening, Master Alester.”
Alester: “Good evening, Master Betherious.”
Betherios: “What news from your stay on the other continent?”
Alester: “Better to explain what the situation is here” or “Immediately explain to him my motives”

Better to explain the situation: “The new is quite dark, I'm afraid. I pray that R'hllor will light my path. My family and my House have not fared well. I cannot return to Braavos. I must take my rightful place here.”
Betherios: “The night is dark and full of horrors, my brother. I understand that you may not leave your people to wander blindly, far from the light of R'hllor. But in making this choice, does it mena that you have decided to leave our order?”

Immediately Explain my Motives: “I will not return to Braavos. I must take my rightful place here, at Riverspring.”
Betherios: “What is that master? You wish to leave our order?”

Both Choices:
Alester: “I did not say that. I am, and will remain, devoted to R'hllor until I die. The fact that I remain in Westeros in no way changes my dedication to our temple, quite the contrary ...”
Betharios: “What do you mean?”
Alester: “I believe that our organization would do well to have a lord of Westeros devoted to our cause. The light of R'hllor will shine upon my subjects and neighbors.”
Betharios: “I see … Well we can only encourage such initiative. Our order has little representation on the continent of Westeros.”
Alester: “I may need you to send me Denyo to help me in this task.”
Betharios: “It will be done. No more than the two of you though. I will inform the rest of the clergy of your decision and your devotion, Master Alester. May the light watch over you.”
Alester: “I thank you, Master Betharios. May the light watch over you as well.”