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Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough Part 72: Priority: Horizon Part 2

Now that you have cleared out the lab of enemies, be sure that you have found all of the items that you can collect. In addition to the Med Kit and the Research Data that you salvaged earlier, you can also find several Logs to the left by examining the various terminals and PDAs on the desks. When you are done, leave the room via the stairs to the left. Make another left when you reach the top of the stairs and you will find the entryways to two different hallways. Each hall will contain numerous enemies, including Cannibals and Marauders supported by Barrier Engines.

An effective way to tackle this scenario is to station your squad-mates opposite you, and attack both hallways simultaneously. Take cover to either the left or the right, and position your squad on the opposite side. Open up the doors and open fire, taking the Barrier Engines out first so that you don’t have to waste excess ammo. Even the odds by using a Combat Drone or a Turret if you can, or by cloaking yourself in the Tactical Cloak to confuse the enemies. You can also cast Singularity and Warp, or Grenade when the enemies bunch up together, as they inevitably will in this tight hallway. Vanguards can go the opposite route and charge straight into the fray with a Biotic Charge, before following that initial attack up with Nova to damage all of the enemies in the area and a few Shotgun blasts to take out any remaining stunned enemies. Retreat back to cover if necessary and finish off the remaining few enemies in the hall before continuing.

Along the way to the next area, examine the desk to the right-hand side of the hallways to find the Shotgun Blade Attachment Mod and the M-12 Locust. In the next room, you will find even more Logs to examine. Listen to each of them if you want, then examine the console at the very far side of the room. This will play a video of the various cruelties perpetrated by the Cerberus staff at the facility. Turn behind you to find the ladder to the next area. Climb it and prepare for another hallway battle. The overall battlefield will be split into three parallel hallways, each of which will meet up with each other at the ends. The area to the left is higher than the middle, while the area to the right is lower than the middle.

For this reason, it would probably be best to stick to the hallway on the left, because it is higher up than the others. From here, you will have the advantage of height, and you will be able to take better cover against the attacks that will come up at you from below. You can also opt to send your squad down one of the lower hallways, so that they can clear that area out and cover you from below as you sweep the top of the arena. If you don’t like close range combat very much at all, you can instead opt to hang back and simply send your squad in to draw the enemies out. Send one squad-mate up the left-hand hallway, and send the other one down the right-hand hallway. Use them, along with Biotics like Singularity and Lift, to draw the enemies out of cover so that you may more easily snipe them.

After this section, head into the next room. Look to the right to find a Medical Station that you can loot for a few Medi Gels, then salvage the Research Data and Logs from the various terminals in the room. Head down the hallway and hang a right to find a tram. Jump over the gap to get onto the tram and shoot the lock on the control box on the floor. Activate the controls and the tram will take you where you need to go. When it stops, hop off to the left and follow the hall to the next destination and the next battle.

Unlike the last few battles, you will be facing truly heavy opposition in the form of several Brutes and a Banshee here. This is easily one of the most dangerous battles you will have faced yet, if not the most dangerous. This battle will quickly become a game of cat and mouse, with you dodging all over the battlefield and the Brutes charging after you and the Banshee teleporting around in its wake. As soon as you see the enemies, pick one to kill first. They are all just about equally dangerous, since the Banshee can kill you with one precise melee attack, but the Brutes can charge you and take out all of your shield in one sweeping blow. Command your squad to focus on that one enemy, and then unleash all of your strongest Biotic and Tech powers on that one, followed by a barrage of as much gunfire as you can before the enemies decide to charge you. If you have a Shotgun in this section, it can be incredibly helpful, as all of the enemies’ most powerful attacks center around getting up close.

Run from one side of the room to the other, attacking the Brutes while they recover from their furious charges and attacking the Banshee as she advances slowly on your position. When your powers have recovered, unleash another savage barrage of attacks on the same enemy that you targeted the first time. When the enemies get dangerously close, turn tail and sprint back to the other side of the arena. Use this strategy to slowly whittle down the health of each of the enemies, one at a time. Note that if you need Med Kits, you can pick one up to the top left of the hallway. After the battle, activate the override at the Pod Status console at the end of the hall. Run into the pod in the beginning of the hall to find the M-99 Saber. You can also grab some Salvage in the room at the beginning of the hall. Head to the right, where you will find an elevator waiting to lead you to the end of the level.

At the top of the tower, you will find Miranda (if she lived,) Miranda’s sister Oriana, and Miranda’s father, holding Oriana hostage. You can either kill him or try to talk him out of harming his daughter. Miranda will solve the problem if she is alive, and Oriana will deal with things on her own if not. This will end the mission and send you back to the Normandy.