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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 30 – Alester – The Lion's Will, Part 6

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 30 – Alester – The Lion's Will, Part 6

Head on up the stairs. At the top you will find another door with its switch to the right of it. Now open the door across from it to make it into the next hallway. You encounter the Royal Guard again but this time Cersei is in a position to interfere and stop another fight from starting. She will first as you how you managed to get so deep into the Red Keep and evade the guards. Know though that this dialogue can get you killed if you insult the Queen too much. The following offers the best possible outcome, keeping your word to Varys and getting the Queen to listen to Alester:

Alester: “I am Alester Sarwyck of Riverspring, banner to House Lannister.”
Cersei: “Yes... that name conjures something. You're the man who was arrested for murdering the Gold Cloaks. What I don't know, on the other hand, is how you managed to barge straight into the heart of the Red Keep...”
Alester: Choice – I did not escape from the Red Keep
“If I may be so bold, means matter to one such as myself – what truly counts are the ends. I could have left this keep without looking back. But I would rater offer my talents to the Crown.”
Cersei: “You may rise, ser. You have my full attention.”
Alester: “Many thanks, Your Grace.”
Cersei: “Despite your good will, know that you are taking terrible risks. If I must take you into my service, I would first be certain of your absolute loyalty. How did a prisoner such as yourself come all the way up from the dungeons?”
Alester: Choice – The queen is influential. We should flatter her ego.
“Your Grace... I left the Red Keep in order to come of my own free will and submit to your wisdom. I place myself in your merciful hands. Know that I was imprisoned here after an unfortunate misunderstanding; however, it is as your humble servant that I wish to leave the Red Keep.”
Cersei: “Why do you wish to assist me? What is it you want?”
Alester: “I learned that my sister, Elyana, was promised to Valarr. An unfortunate choice, I'm afraid.
Cersei: “How so?”
Alester: “Because he is bastard-born, Your Grace. Not only would it be a poor alliance, but our father's blood runs in his veins. I cannot accept such an improper marriage.
Cersei: “Let me remind you that Ser Valarr was knighting by my own father, Lord Twyin Lannister. That alone should convince you of his merit as future lord of Riverspring. And if I'm not mistaken, your brother, Gawen, is accused of killing your father, is he not? When your sister came to see me, I saw no other choice … Ser Valarr grew up at Riverspring, in the heart of the castle itself. He was the one capable of ensuring the protection of these lands, as well as that of your sister's.”
Alester: “With your permission, my lady, I have have returned and, as the firstborn son of my House, it is up to me to decide what happens to my family. No doubt my long absence has left me but a distant memory to many here. But I am still my father's lawful heir.”
Cersei: “Why do you not submit your grievance to the king when is he holding court? I am certain that your request will be granted.
Aelster: Choice – She can decide in the king's stead.
“My Queen, you and I both know who trukly holds the power in this palace.
Cersei: “Very astute, my lord. But you will understand that, however generous she may be, a queen may not act strictly out of charity...  There are important tasks which must be carried out with the utmost discretion and efficiency. Would you be ready to undertake such a task for your queen?”
Alester: “My loyalty to my queen has never wavered. Tell me what you wish of me, and I will not disappoint.
Cersei: “Very well, Ser Alester. Your request has been heard. Serve me well, and I will make certain that Riverspring is returned to you. Disappoint me, and … we will allow the king's justice to follow its course in your regard.
Alester: “That will not happen.”
Cersei: “I am delighted to haer that. We have it from reliable sources that enemies of the Crown are running unchecked in King's Landing, and I want their heads. And since it appears that you and Ser Valarr have the same objective, it is my wish that you carry out this mission together. And why not use this opportunity to find out who is more dedicated, you or your half brother?”
Alester: Choice - … or lie to have the reward withdrawn
“I would do anything to serve your Grace, but please accept my humble request.”
Cersei: “Is your survival not enough for you ser?”
Alester: “I hardly dare make this request, Your Grace, but honor compels me... Your Grace, I wish to avenge my father's death single-handedly. No one is more capable than I of finding and punishing my brother, Gawen Sarwyck.”
Cersei: “I see. It is an enormous boon that you ask of me... Very well. TO prove my faith in your abilities, I will lift the reward on your brother's head. The Watch will leave him in peace … for the moment.
Alester: “I praise Your Grace's generosity.”
Cersei: “For now, go and await me in the the antechamber. There are matters I must discuss in private with Ser Valarr. We will speak again shortly.”

Objective: “Meet in the throne room's antechamber to await the queen's pleasure.”
After your talk with the Queen, look to the right of the Iron Throne. There you will find another “Westeros Archive” and a Seal of Knowledge. This Archive contains the codex entry for Aegon I Targaryen. Now head on out of the Throne Room into the Antechamber. Likely, Alester has gained a level for this excursion. He will also have received the “Talkative” trait from the encounter: “You have demonstrated your oratory skills during your meeting with Queen Cersei.” - Deflection +1%