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Spec Ops: The Line Walkthrough: Underneath

In the beginning of this mission, you and your squad will take some time to gather their senses before heading out to look for w way out. It seems that you have all fallen into a fancy hotel, the roof of which you were just fighting on. Approach the door on the opposite balcony to trigger an enemy ambush. The enemies will break the glass in the ceiling and attack you from above, while others rappel in by the piano at center stage. Shoot the sand-coated ceiling out to open up your line of sight, and shoot all of the enemies above. Assign your squad-mates to attack several of the enemies so that you don't have to bear the whole burden by yourself. Also try to keep an eye on the lower level of the battlefield, as some enemies may slip past you and attack from ground level. In this case, they will typically either run down the staircase on the right or jump down from in front of the piano.

With this protracted gunfight behind you, the enemies will make a new plan. After several seconds of silence, they will drop C4 into the room. Sprint over to the door that was locked before. Adams will break through the door just in time, and you will all escape just in time. Note that if you are in desperate need of ammo, you will actually have a few seconds to scavenge some ammo from the battlefield before you're in any real danger of being killed by the C4.

As Adams implores you to try talking to the enemies again, search to the left by the stage to find another piece of Intel. Head past the red seats and to the right, where you will find more grenades by the suitcases. After the conversation, two insurgents will come in and you will overhear their conversation from cover. Apparently they have taken a soldier from the plane and are currently interrogating him. It looks like the insurgents are being lead by an American for some reason, although the reasons are currently very unclear. You won't have time to discuss the subject, as a group of enemies will attack from behind the embellished door.

Stay in cover and cap the enemy by the suitcases to the right before looking to the left to find two more enemies. Kill them and proceed out into the next hall. Shoot the roof out to kill many hidden enemies and expose the positions of the rest. Shoot the remaining enemies off of the roof and sprint to cover ahead as more reinforcements enter the room. Sprint to cover behind the turret and use either the turret or grenades to blow out the windows in the back of the room. This will cause sand to flood the area and kill many of the enemies here. Stay on th eturret (or, if you used grenades, get on the turret) and eliminate as many enemies as you can from this limited position before heading to the right and taking cover on the raised platform behind the fancy wall. Several small waves of enemies will seek refuge from the sandstorm raging outside by running into the room through the large window to the far right of the room. Kill them all as they run into the room and search behind the bar to the right for an ammo refill when it's safe to venture out.

Walker will order everyone into the sandstorm, warning them that he won't be able to give orders during the storm. This means that you won't be able to target specific enemies for death. Take cover by the pillar that was supporting the shattered window to find two enemies, one to the right and one to the left, awaiting your exit immediately outside of the building. Venturing out without killing these two means almost certain death, so eliminate them before running into the chaos of the sandstorm. You visibility will be pretty limited in this section, so it's important that you keep an eye out for enemies as you keep moving ahead.

Kill the first enemy to the left before proceeding up the small staircase. Two more enemies will await you at the top of the stairs. Kill them, too, and push onwards. Follow Adams and Lugo and they will lead you to an adjacent building, guarded by one enemy. Kill the enemy and climb into the building through the broken window. Loot more ammo from the box next to the elevator opening, and then rappel down the elevator shaft to reach the next mission.