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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 29 – Alester – The Lion's Will, Part 5

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part  29 – Alester – The Lion's Will, Part 5

Objective: Explore the labyrinth of Maegor's Holdfast to meet Varys
Head forward and turn to the left. To the right of the rack you notice is a switch you can use. This will open a new door for you. Head into the hallway beyond it.

Head down the stairs to the right. Make your way to the spiral staircase and follow it all the way down. Once there, head to the east and take the first set of stairs up that go North.

At the top of those, turn to the North and make your way to the long corridor going to the West. You will likely alert the Goldcloaks to your presence but there is always hope to slip by them. When you find a pair of them beating on a man then intervene and defeat them. He reveals himself to be in the employ of Varys. He asks you to head back into the previous room and pull the winch by the arrow slit.

Head back to the East and turn right, and go West. You will find the winch easily enough. Pull it to open a door. Follow “Little Bird” through the now open door across the hall. Head Northeast then Northwest with him. He will stop by a portion of the wall and will not be able to find the mechanism. Use R'hllor's sight to find the activation switch. Use it to reveal the next passage forward.

Head down the stairs then go forward through the hole in the wall. Turn to the left to find a pair of chests. The one on the left has a Meat Cleaver in it and the one on the right has 3 silver, 8 copper. Now head into the next corridor and go North down the stairs there. Turn left at the bottom and throw the switch to the left of the door. Pause in the next room as in the follow there are more Goldcloaks to deal with.

This group has 3 Goldcloaks. 2 have Light Armor while one has Medium. One of those with Light Armor will hang back and pepper your small group with arrows to make matters worse. This time, focus first on those with Light Armor, then go after the one in Heavy Armor.

Approach the door but first look to the left of it. There you will find an open book. Approach it and investigate it to find another “Westeros archive” with a Seal of Knowledge. This archive has the codex entry on “Maegor I Targaryen.”

Head on up the stairs. At the top you will encounter another pair of guards. Both are in Medium armor. Take them down quickly. They are nothing too special so avoid expending any resources, like oil. Head through the gate they were guarding and go up the stairs to the right. Keep out of sight with the hole in the wall and continue up the stairs.

Unfortunately, at the top, there are more guards to deal with. A group of 4, 3 have Light Armor and 1 has Medium. All of those with Light Armor are Archers so they demand your attention first.

With that group finished off, head to the East. Open the door at the end of the hallway. On the other side is another massive spiral stair case. Follow it up and the Little Bird will part ways with you. Now just head up one more flight of stairs to find Varys. Take the first right you can and go up the stairs to the right. Use the switch to the right of the door to open it. Inside you will encounter a number of Gold Cloaks. Defeat them quickly. Once they are dead, Varys will reveal himself. Have a quick talk with him and he will tell you where to find the queen. Just head up the stairs.