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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 35 – Alester – The Queen's Dogs, Part 2

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 34 – The Queen's Dogs, Part 2

Objective:  “Attack the Hen House to find the Mother Hen.”

Head into the door in front of you to enter the Hen House. Just inside, to the right of the door is a chest you can loot. It has 6 silver, 1 copper. Now head to the North to the other end of the house where you will encounter Ser Godric. There is a quick talk and once again, you need to choose to follow Alester's side or Valarr's side. Godric reveals that he works under Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King. Godric will run with Harry down into the cellar. That leaves Alester, Valarr, and the Bloodseekers to fight off 6 men in Heavy or Medium Armor. Let the NPCs do their work and focus on whoever is attack Alester. There are only 2 men with Ranged attacks so there is not too much concern on that front. Just take out any with Two-handed weapons first since they do the most damage.

Once the men are down it is time to focus on finding the cellar. As always, things will not start until you enter into the cellar itself. Take a little time and loot the guards. Now head over to the West, into the room just through the corridor. Pause to investigate the chest in the Northwestern corner of this corridor to find some coin. In the next room you will find 2 more guards, one of them is a Boss, but he is also in Light Armor. The second is in Heavy Armor. Defeat them then head  to the North. Open the door there and go down the stairs.

When your party reaches the first juncture inside this corridor, Alester and Valarr will be attacked by 3 more Guards. 2 are in Light Armor and 1 is in Medium Armor. One of those in Light Armor is an archer so be wary. After those 3, 3 more will come out of the next corridor and attack. The mix remains nearly same, just replace Archer in Light Armor with Crossbowman in Medium Armor.

Once they are dead, it is time to loot the nearby rooms. The first room in the corridor has 2 caches of coins. One is in grain bag on the left by the barrel on the floor. The second is in the bag on the shelf just to the right of the last one. Ignore the second room and just continue to the North. There you will find an empty room, but to the right of it is a door you can open. Just next to that door, on your present side, next to the barrel is a thin crate you can loot for some coin.

Open the door and head through to the next corridor. Turn to the South and you will see more of Arryn's men to be dealt with. Still, before engaging them, you can slip into the room on your left. In the back corner of it, opposite a door is a chest you can loot. It has Warrior's mail chausses inside it. Collect it then return to the corridor and head South into the men. Here, the Mother Hen, Godric, is trapped. He will then send his men at you and he will join in the fight itself. They all have some Wildfire so be wary. It burns longer and hotter than flammable oil. Godric, of the 6, is the only one who is a boss and in Heavy Armor. The rest of the men are either in Light or Medium Armor. Be sure to have some interrupt abilities ready to avoid the Wildfire. Valarr has at least 1 in case Alester does not. Focus your attacks first on Godric to avoid the worst of it. After that is when you should start worrying about his men.

When the fight is over, choose to honor Godric or to simply kill him. Once the scene is over, loot the bodies then turn your attention first to the table to your right. There you can find another Westeros Archive and a Seal of Knowledge. This Archive has the codex entry “House Arryn.”

As you approach Harry, look to his right. There is a weapons rack you can loot for a Stone Hammer. Go over to his right after that and use R'hllor vision to reveal a hidden passage. Inside it is a chest with a Tyrell Cloak. Now it is time to deal with Harry. Again, choose in which spirit he dies.