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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 36 – Alester – The Queen's Dogs, Part 3 & Silence in the Ranks

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 37 – Alester – The Queen's Dogs, Part 3 & Silence in the Ranks

Head down the secret passage again and open the door on the right. Go to the left and make for the stairs. The 2 brothers pick at each other after the scene with the Bloodseeker reporting there are no survivors. Time to search to find the letters that you were sent for. Return upstairs and go for the small room in the Southwest portion of the Hen House. You will find some treasure there.

With that collected, head over to the East and North. Time to go up a level and see what is there. Head West to the end of the hallway then turn to the South. Pause in the hallway when you reach the firs door on the right. Head inside it and turn around the door to find a chest. Inside the chest is a Cutlass.

When you reach the second open room, you will find Yorn commenting on a locked chest. It seems impossible to open without the key. You have this key now so approach and use it. Inside the small chest you will find the “Hen's documents.” This is when we learn how things came to be for Mors now.

Objective: “Your mission was a success. Return to the queen to give her your report.”
Turn around and loot the chest to the right of the door. Head for the entrance of the Hen's Nest now to get out of there. Head down the stairs and to the South to leave the Hen's Nest.

Now it is to get back to the Red Keep. Head to the West, and turn to the North, going up the slope. Turn  West again after that and follow the Path until you can go South. Follow that to its end point then go to the East to make it back to the Red keep.

Once inside, Alester is immediately in the throne room. Here, Alester will need to justify his actions to Queen Cersei. She honestly favors a bloodier outcome but does somewhat appreciate the discretion that was used. She was not happy about the chase though.

Silence in the Ranks
Turn around and head toward the entrance. Before you exit the throne room you will find Uthor Donnerly there. You can talk with him but while you do so, pass, for now, on defending Cersei's honor. By talking with him, you will find the second quest in this chapter,  “Silence in the Ranks.” Turn around and talk with Cersei about this and ask what she wishes done about it. She can be convinced that you can resolve the matter diplomatically, thus avoiding a fight and drawing attention to his words.

Return to Ser Uthor and it is time to talk with him again. Here, you have a few options:
Pretend to be on his side: He takes to this well. After that, point out Valarr will not give him an honorable fight.
Intimidate him: After that, tell him that he does not understand the consequences of his words. This one seems to give the best results, as Uthor will beg Cersei's forgiveness.
Fighting: You can also provoking him into attack by opting for “he has to be the first one to strike” then, “Go for a low blow.” If you fight Uthor, know that he counts as en Elite Boss and is, obviously, in Heavy Armor. Know though this will not go over well with Cersei.

Resolving this without violence will result in Cersei giving Alester the Ring of the Lioness. This gives Bargaining chance +8% and Critical Hit Chance +2%. Not a bad mix overall with that item. Now just head out of the Throne Room to finish out the chapter. You finally talk with Arwood Harlton. He mentions that he knows something about your brother Gawen.