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Diablo 3 Act II Random Dungeon Guide - Part 1

We continue our guide that shows where all the random dungeons are located. As mentioned previously, these dungeons will always spawn in a specific zone, but they are not guaranteed to be there each time you go to that zone. If you cannot find one of these dungeons, you can leave game and come back to same area, and repeat until the dungeon spawns. The main use of this guide is to get the "Nooks and Crannies " achievement, but many of the dungeons also contain good loot, and sometimes new events. We also list what types of monsters can be found in each dungeon, as well as what lore books drop there (for the Judge of Character, Eavesdropper, Historian of Caldeum, and Beastmaster of Caldeum achievements).

Note: This part contains random dungeon locations from Howling Plateau, Black Canyon Mines, Stinging Winds, and Alcarnus. In the next part we will cover the dungeons in Dahlgur Oasis and Desolate Sands.

Act II Random Dungeons

Abandoned Cellar
Location: Stinging Winds
Small map, sometimes there is a chest here.

Alcarnus Cellar
Location: Alcarnus
If you are doing the quest "City of Blood" you can free caged prisoners here for the bonus objective, as well as for the achievement "Hero of Alcarnus"
There are some barrels and sometimes a chest with loot here. On rare occasions, a Resplendent Chest will spawn.

Alcarnus Town Cellars
Location: Alcarnus
These include the Town Cellars, Sandy Cellars, and Alcarnus Cellars
Note: There used to be a way to farm Resplendent Chests out of those cellars, but this has been nerfed/hotfixed by Blizzard.

Abandoned Mineworks
Location: Howling Plateau
Fairly small map, one level only
Enemies consist mostly of Lacuni Huntresses
There is an event here: Lair of the Lacuni, requiring you to kill the Lacuni attacking the Iron Wolves, return to the Iron Wolf Captain, and then kill Ghas and the Lacuni.
Not much loot, most of it you will get by defeating Ghas.

Blood Cellar
Location: Black Canyon Mines
Small cellar, there is an event here: Saved from the Hounds. Kill all the Fallen Hounds and a Survivor that was hiding there thanks you and gives you a reward.

Chamber of the Lost Idol
Location: Stinging Winds
As you enter, talk to an NPC called Poltahr. He is searching for a lost treasure, the Rygnar Idol. This unlocks an event in which you need to lead Poltahr through the dungeon to find the Rygnar Idol.
When you find the Rygnar Idol take it, then you have to defeat the Idol Guardians that appear.
There is a lore book (green) in this dungeon, Poltahr's Notes, which is found in Poltahr's Satchel.
Mobs include Spine Hewers, Bone Warriors, Skeletal Rangers, Noxious Guardians, Frost Guardians.
There is a Treasure Bandit you can chase.
Yellow uniques sometime spawn here such as Kargra the Wretched (Teleporter) and Malifant of Darkness (Waller).

The Crumbling Vault / Vault Treasure Room
Location: Stinging Winds
An NPC in the desert, in an area with sandstorms, Treasure Hunter, tells you about this vault and how there is a treasure room inside. He warns you that the vault might collapse on you if you go inside.
When you enter, it will ask you: "You are about to entered a timed dungeon. Are you ready?" Entering here triggers a timed event. You have to find the Vault Treasure Room, and escape the Crumbling Vault before it collapses (Three Minutes).
Enemies here include Fallen Shaman, Shocking Spiderlings, Icy Spiderlings, Venomous Spiderlings, Guardian Towers, Fallen Overseers, Stinging Swarm. Also possibly elite yellow enemies such as Tripgall, Lord of Damnation (Teleporter), Malice, Unspeakable Terror (Waller), and Grimok the Damned (Jailer). But you should not fight any monsters if you want to get to the Vault Treasure Room on time (Except perhaps kill the rare uniques quickly if you can, for their loot). Only kill those who are really blocking the way. There is a Treasure Goblin here too, but don't be tempted into giving chase, as it will most likely cause you to fail in finding the vault room on time. Also don't waste time looting the Ceremonial Tables as they don't provide significant loot.
Sometimes a Lore Book drops here: The Seven Lords of Hell.
Eventually you reach the exit to: Vault Treasure Room
Once you enter the Treasure Room, the Timer stops and you are safe. This room is FULL of chests and treasure, including possibly Bloody Chests, and a Resplendent Chest, as well as shrines and healing wells.
Note: if you do not find the treasure vault on time, it will fail the quest (but you don't die).

Deserted Cellar
Location:  Black Canyon Mines
One level map, but make sure to destroy the Wooden Barricade to reveal another area behind.
Mobs here include Stinging Swarms and Sand Wasps
A Resplendent Chest can often be found here.
Sometimes, a unique boss will spawn here: Graveljaw the Devourer (Lord of Worms). Killing him will open a tunnel to a new dungeon, Tunnels of the Rockworm.

Fuad's Cellar
Location: Howling Plateau
This is near a house in the desert with mutilated dead bodies scattered near it. You hear a sinister voice coming from inside. Enter and explore.
Fuads cellar is a very small dungeon - just one room.
There is a single monster inside - a boss - Fuad the Cannibal (Terror of the Wastes)
Defeat Fuad and get a green Lore Item (Fuad's Journal)

Hadi's Claim Mine
Location: Stinging Winds
A wounded man stands outside and asks for your help. Enter Hadi's Claim Mine and kill Dervish Lord (Unique Boss).
Raise Mine Lift to reveal a chest.

The Ruins
Location: Stinging Winds
Huge Two-Level dungeon (The Ruins Level 1, The Ruins Level 2)
Monsters here include Guardian Towers, Fiery Spiderlings, Withing Deceiver, Stinging Swarm, Serpent Magus.
There is lots of loot around here, in Ceremonial Tables, Chests, and other objects. Because of the amount of loot here, if your bags get full then it is recommended you use a town portal to go back to hidden camp and sell, then use the same portal to get back to the same spot inside the Ruins.
There is a Resplendent Chest at the end of Level 2 of the dungeon. This chest has magical items, and a good chance of also dropping rare items. Those who are not of the patient type can just rush to the chest instead of exploring the whole dungeon.

Sandy Cellar
Location: Alcarnus
Additional caged prisoners can be freed here for the Hero of Alcarnus challenge achievement.
Sometimes there is a Resplendent Chest here.
Sirocco Caverns
Location: Howling Plateau
This is a very large dungeon, with two levels (Sirocco Caverns Level 1, Sirocco Caverns Level 2)
Monsters here include Cave Wings, Undead Vicious Ghouls, Slime Spewers, Savage Rockworms
Sources of gold and loot are Dead Villagers, Dead Worms, Egg Sacks and Stone Piles
There is a Resplendent Chest deep in level 2 of the Sirocco Caverns

Town Cellar
Location: Alcarnus
Sometimes has caged prisoners for the bonus objective in the quest "City of Blood" and for the Hero of Alcarnus Achievement.
You can find loot from some torture barrels and chests, sometimes a Resplendent Chest

Tunnels of the Rockworm
Location: Black Canyon Mines, under Deserted Cellar
The entrance to these tunnels are revealed only if you defeat a rare boss who spawns in the Deserted Cellar (Random Event)
Mobs in the tunnels include Dune Stingers, Savage Rockworms, Lacuni Warriors, Lacuni Huntress. There can also be elite (yellow named) bosses such as Infectus the Quickened (Fast Illusionist)
The Rockworm Tunnels are quite big, but its worth exploring them as there are many regular chests scattered throughout, as well as a Resplendent Chest at the end of the dungeon.