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Diablo 3 Wizard Skill Tree



Magic Missile (Level 1)
This is a Signature spell. Signature spells are free to cast.
Launch a missile of magic energy, causing 110% weapon damage as Arcane.

Skill Runes:
Lvl 6 Charged Blast
Increases the damage of Magic Missile to 143% weapon damage as Arcane.
Lvl 13 Split
Fire 3 missiles that each deal 50% weapon damage as Arcane.
Lvl 31 Penetrating Blast
Missiles have a 70% chance to pierce through their target and hit additional enemies.
Lvl 42 Attunement
Whenever Magic Missile hits a target you gain 4 Arcane Power.
Lvl 52 Seeker
Missiles track the nearest enemy and their damage is increased to 121% weapon damage as Arcane.

Shock Pulse (Level 3)
This is a Signature spell. Signature spells are free to cast.
Release a medium range pulse of 3 unpredictable charges of electricity that deal 105% weapon damage as Lightning.

Lvl 9 Explosive Bolts
Slain enemies explode, dealing 70% weapon damage as Lightning to every enemy within 10 yards.
Lvl 18 Fire Bolts
Cast bolts of fire that each deal 137% weapon damage as Fire.
Lvl 33 Piercing Orb
Merge the bolts in a a single giant orb that oscillates forward dealing 105% weapon damage as Lightning to everything it hits.
Lvl 47 Lightning Affinity
Every target hit by a pulse restores 2 Arcane Power.
Lvl 54 Living Lightning
Conjure a being of lightning that drifts forward, electrocuting nearby enemies for 37% weapon damage as Lightning.

Spectral Blade
This is a Signature spell. Signature spells are free to cast.
Summon a spectral blade that strikes all enemies in your path for 135% weapon damage.

Lvl 19 Deep Cuts
Enemies hit by the blade will Bleed for an additional 35% weapon damage over 3 seconds.
Lvl 24 Impactful Blades
Hits have a 5% chance to cause Knockback and Slow the movement of enemies by 60% for 1 second.
Lvl 35 Siphoning Blade
Every enemy hit grants 1 Arcane Power.
Lvl 51 Healing Blades
Whenever the blades do critical damage, you are healed for 8% of the damage done.
Lvl 57 Thrown Blade
Extends the reach of Spectral Blade to 20 yards. 

Electrocute (Level 15)
This is a Signature spell. Signature spells are free to cast.
Lightning arcs from your fingertips, dealing 80% weapon damage as Lightning. The lightning can jump, hitting up to 2 additional enemies.

Lvl 22 Chain Lightning
Increases the maximum number of enemies that can be electrocuted to 6.
Lvl 29 Forked Lightning
Critical Hits release 4 charged bolts in random directions, dealing 46% weapon damage as Lightning to any targets hit.
Lvl 36 Lightning Blast
Create streaks of lightning that pierce through targets, hitting all enemies for 80% weapon damage as Lightning.
Lvl 44 Surge of Power
Gain 1 Arcane Power for every enemy hit by Electrocute.
Lvl 59 Arc Lightning
Blast a cone of lightning that causes 80% weapon damage as Lightning to all affected targets.


Ray of Frost (Level 2)
Cost: 20 Arcane Power
Project a beam of frozen ice that blasts 215% weapon damage as Cold to the first enemy it hits, slowing the target's movement by 30% for 3 seconds.

Lvl 7 Numb
Increase the amount the target's movement is slowed to 60% for 3 seconds.
Lvl 15 Snow Blast
Using continuously on a single target increases damage over 1.5 seconds to inflict a maximum of 280% weapon damage as Cold.
Lvl 28 Cold Blood
Reduce casting cost to 0 Arcane Power.
Lvl 38 Sleet Storm
Create a swirling storm around you, dealing 215% weapon damage as Cold to all enemies caught within it.
Lvl 53 Black Ice
Enemies killed with Ray of Frost leave behind a patch of ice that deals 193% weapon damage as Cold to enemies moving through it over 3 seconds.

Arcane Orb (Level 5)
Cost: 35 Arcane Power
Hurl an orb of pure energy that explodes when it hits, dealing 175% weapon damage as Arcane to all enemies within 10 yards.

Lvl 11 Obliteration
Increase the damage of the explosion to deal 228% weapon damage as Arcane.
Lvl 20 Arcane Orbit
Create 4 Arcane Orbs that orbit you, exploding for 70% weapon damage as Arcane when enemies get close.
Lvl 32 Arcane Nova
Modify the orb to deal 175% weapon damage as Arcane to all enemies within 20 yards.
Lvl 45 Tap the Source
Reduce casting cost to 20 Arcane Power.
Lvl 55 Celestial Orb
The orb will pierce through targets, damaging any enemy it passes through.

Arcane Torrent (Level 12)
Cost: 20 Arcane Power
Hurl a barrage of arcane projectiles that deal 175% weapon damage as Arcane to all enemies near the impact location.

Lvl 18 Disruption
Targets hit by Arcane Torrent become disrupted for 6 seconds, causing them to take 15% additional damage from any attacks that deal Arcane damage.
Lvl 25 Death Blossom
Unleash a torrent of power beyond your control. You no longer direct where the projectiles go, but their damage is increased to 670% weapon damage as Arcane.
Lvl 34 Arcane Mines
Instead of firing projectiles, lay Arcane mines that arm after 2 seconds. These mines explode when an enemy approaches, dealing 150% weapon damage as Arcane. Enemies caught in the explosion have their movement and attack speeds reduced by 30% for 3 seconds.
Lvl 49 Power Stone
Every missile hit has a 2% chance to leave behind a Power Stone that grants Arcane Power when picked up.
Lvl 57 Cascade
Enemies killed by Arcane Torrent have a 100% chance to fire a new missile at a nearby enemy dealing 175% weapon damage as Arcane.

Disintegrate (Level 21)
Cost: 20 Arcane Power
Thrust a beam of pure energy forward, dealing 155% weapon damage as Arcane and disintegrating enemies it kills.

Lvl 26 Convergence
Increase the width of the beam allowing it to hit more enemies.
Lvl 30 Chaos Nexus
When casting the beam you become charged with energy that spits out at nearby enemies doing 40% weapon damage as Arcane.
Lvl 39 Volatility
Enemies killed by the beam have a 35% chance to explode causing 395% weapon damage as Arcane to all enemies within 8 yards.
Lvl 48 Entropy
The beam fractures into a short-ranged cone that deals 178% weapon damage as Arcane.
Lvl 59 Intensify
Damage increases slowly over time to inflict a maximum of 202% weapon damage as Arcane.



Frost Nova (Level 4)
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Blast nearby enemies with an explosion of ice and freeze them for 3 seconds.

Lvl 12 Shatter
A frozen enemy that is killed has a 50% chance of releasing another Frost Nova.
Lvl 18 Cold Snap
Reduce cooldown of Frost Nova to 9 seconds.
Lvl 28 Frozen Mist
Frost Nova no longer freezes enemies, but instead leaves behind a mist of frost that deals 160% weapon damage as Cold over 8 seconds.
Lvl 41 Deep Freeze
If Frost Nova hits at least 5 targets, you gain a 15% bonus to Critical Hit Chance for 12 seconds.
Lvl 51 Bone Chill
Enemies take 15% more damage while frozen or chilled by Frost Nova.

Diamond Skin (Level 8)
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Transform your skin to diamond for 6 seconds, absorbing up to 10853 damage from incoming attacks.

Lvl 14 Crystal Shell
Increases the maximum amount of damage absorbed to 21707 damage.
Lvl 20 Prism
Reduces Arcane Power cost of all spells by 7 while Diamond Skin is active.
Lvl 32 Mirror Skin
Reflects 50% of damage absorbed back at the attacker.
Lvl 44 Enduring Skin
Increases the duration of Diamond Skin to 8 seconds.
Lvl 56 Diamond Shards
When Diamond Skin wears off, diamond shards explode in all directions dealing 155% weapon damage as Physical to nearby enemies.

Slow Time (Level 16)
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Invoke a bubble of warped time and space for 8 seconds, reducing enemy attack speed by 20% and movement speed by 30%. This bubble also slows the movement of enemy projectiles by 90%.

Lvl 23 Miasma
Slow Time effects cling to enemies for 3 seconds after they have left the bubble.
Lvl 29 Time Warp
Enemies caught in the bubble of warped time take 20% more damage.
Lvl 39 Time Shell
Reduces the area Slow Time affects to 10 yards, but increases the potency of the movement speed reduction to 80%.
Lvl 47 Perpetuity
Reduces the cooldown of Slow Time to 16 seconds.
Lvl 53 Stretch Time
Time is sped up for any allies standing in the area, increasing their attack speed by 10%.

Teleport (Level 22)
Cost: 15 Arcane Power
Cooldown: 16 seconds
Teleport through the ether to the selected location up to 35 yards away.

Lvl 26 Safe Passage
For 4 seconds after you Teleport, you will take 30% less damage.
Lvl 31 Wormhole
After casting Teleport, there is a 1 second delay before the cooldown begins, allowing you to Teleport again.
Lvl 37 Reversal
Casting Teleport again within 8 seconds will instantly return you to your original location.
Lvl 43 Fracture
Summon 2 decoys for 8 seconds after teleporting.
Lvl 59 Calamity
Casts a low power Wave of Force upon arrival, dealing 75% weapon damage as Physical to all nearby enemies.


Wave of Force (Level 9)
Cost: 25 Arcane Power
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Discharge a wave of pure energy that repels projectiles and knocks back nearby enemies. This also slows the movement of enemies by 60% and deals 200% weapon damage as Physical.

Lvl 15 Impactful Wave
Increases the distance enemies are knocked back and Stuns all affected enemies for 2 seconds.
Lvl 22 Force Affinity
Reduce casting cost to 15 Arcane Power and the cooldown is reduced to 12 seconds.
Lvl 32 Forceful Wave
Increases damage to 260% weapon damage as Physical, but reduces Knockback.
Lvl 39 Teleporting Wave
Enemies caught in the Wave of Force have a 100% chance to be randomly teleported.
Lvl 49 Exploding Wave
Enemies hit have a 40% chance to cause a smaller Wave of Force that deals 100% weapon damage as Physical and knocks back enemies caught in its wake.

Energy Twister (Level 13)
Cost: 35 Arcane Power
Unleash a twister of pure energy that deals 360% weapon damage as Arcane over 6 seconds to everything in its path.

Lvl 19 Mistral Breeze
Reduces casting cost of Energy Twister to 20 Arcane Power.
Lvl 24 Gale Force
Increases the damage of Energy Twister to 468% weapon damage as Arcane.
Lvl 36 Raging Storm
When two Energy Twisters collide, they merge into a tornado with increased area of effect that causes 360% weapon damage as Arcane over 6 seconds.
Lvl 41 Wicked Wind
Twisters no longer travel but spin in place, dealing 252% weapon damage as Arcane over 6 seconds to everything caught in them.
Lvl 52 Storm Chaser
Casting Energy Twister grants you a Wind Charge. You can store up to 3 Wind Charges at a time. Casting a Signature spell releases all Wind Charges as a giant Energy Twister that deals 75% weapon damage as Arcane per Wind Charge.
The following skills are Signature spells: Magic Missile, Shock Pulse, Spectral Blade, Electrocute

Hydra (Level 21)
Cost: 15 Arcane Power
Summon a multi-headed Hydra for 15 seconds that attacks enemies with bolts of fire dealing 28% weapon damage as Fire. You may only have one Hydra active at a time.

Lvl 26 Arcane Hydra
Summon an Arcane Hydra that spits Arcane Orbs, which explode on impact, causing 28% weapon damage as Arcane to enemies near the explosion.
Lvl 33 Lightning Hydra
Summon a Lightning Hydra that electrocutes enemies for 34% weapon damage as Lightning.
Lvl 38 Venom Hydra
Summon a poison breathing Hydra that leaves a pool of acid that causes 18% weapon damage per second as Poison to enemies who remain in the pool.
Lvl 46 Frost Hydra
Summon a Frost Hydra that breathes a short range cone of frost, causing 31% weapon damage as Cold to all enemies in the cone.
Lvl 56 Mammoth Hydra
Summon a Mammoth Hydra that breathes a river of flame at nearby enemies, dealing 22% weapon damage per second as Fire to enemies caught on the burning ground.

Meteor (Level 25)
Cost: 60 Arcane Power
Summon an immense Meteor that plummets from the sky, causing 200% weapon damage as Fire to all enemies it crashes into. The ground it hits is scorched with molten fire that deals 60% weapon damage as Fire over 3 seconds.

Lvl 29 Molten Impact
Increases the damage of the Meteor impact to 260% weapon damage as Fire and the molten fire to 78% weapon damage as Fire over 3 seconds.
Lvl 34 Star Pact
Reduces the casting cost of Meteor to 35 Arcane Power.
Lvl 43 Meteor Shower
Unleash a volley of 7 smaller Meteors that each strike for 80% weapon damage as Fire.
Lvl 48 Comet
Transforms the Meteor to ice that deals 240% weapon damage as Cold. The impact site is covered in a freezing mist that deals 72% weapon damage as Cold and Slows enemy movement by 60% over 3 seconds.
Lvl 58 Liquefy
If the initial impact of the Meteor causes a Critical Hit, the molten fire duration is increased to 8 seconds.

Blizzard (Level 27)
Cost: 45 Arcane Power
Call down shards of ice to pelt an area, dealing 210% weapon damage as Cold to all enemies in the area over 6 seconds. Multiple casts in the same area do not stack.

Lvl 35 Grasping Chill
After the Blizzard ends, the ground is covered in a low lying mist for 3 seconds that Slows the movement speed of enemies by 60%.
Lvl 42 Frozen Solid
Enemies caught in the Blizzard have a 20% chance to be Frozen for 3 seconds.
Lvl 47 Snowbound
Reduces the casting cost of Blizzard to 20 Arcane Power.
Lvl 54 Stark Winter
Increases the size of Blizzard to cover 22 yards, dealing 210% weapon damage as Cold over 6 seconds.
Lvl 60 Unrelenting Storm
Increases the duration of Blizzard to deal 280% weapon damage as Cold over 8 seconds.


Ice Armor (Level 14)
Cost: 25 Arcane Power
Surround yourself in a barrier of ice. Melee attackers are either Chilled or Frozen for 2 seconds. Lasts 120 seconds.
This is an Armor spell. Only one Armor spell can be active at a time.

Lvl 21 Chilling Aura
Lower the temperature of the air around you. Nearby enemies are chilled, slowing their movement speed by 30%.
Lvl 31 Crystallize
Whenever you are struck by a melee attack, your Armor is increased by 15% for 30 seconds. This effect can stack up to 3 times.
Lvl 42 Jagged Ice
Melee attackers also take 100% weapon damage as Cold.
Lvl 49 Ice Reflect
Melee attacks have a 25% chance to create a Frost Nova centered on the attacker, dealing 75% weapon damage as Cold.
Lvl 53 Frozen Storm
A whirling storm of ice builds around you that deals 30% weapon damage as Cold over 3 seconds after casting Ice Armor.

Storm Armor (Level 17)
Cost: 25 Arcane Power
Bathe yourself in electrical energy, shocking ranged and melee attackers for 70% weapon damage as Lightning. Lasts 120 seconds.
This is an Armor spell. Only one Armor spell can be active at a time.

Lvl 23 Reactive Armor
Whenever you are hit, you have a chance to be enveloped with a lightning shield for 6 seconds that shocks nearby enemies for 50% weapon damage as Lightning.
Lvl 33 Power of the Storm
Reduce the Arcane Power cost of all skills by 3 while Storm Armor is active.
Lvl 37 Strike Back
Increase the damage of the shock to 91% weapon damage as Lightning.
Lvl 43 Scramble
Increases your movement speed by 25% for 3 seconds whenever you are hit by melee or ranged attacks.
Lvl 58 Shocking Aspect
Critical Hits have a chance to electrocute a nearby enemy for 35% weapon damage as Lightning.

Magic Weapon (Level 20)
Cost: 25 Arcane Power
Imbue your weapon with magical energy, granting it 10% increased damage. Lasts 5 minutes.

Lvl 27 Electrify
Attacks have a chance to cause lightning to arc to 3 nearby enemies, dealing 10% weapon damage as Lightning.
Lvl 35 Force Weapon
Increases the damage bonus of Magic Weapon to 15% damage, and gives up to a 2% chance to Knockback any enemies hit.
Lvl 38 Conduit
Attacks have a chance to restore 1 Arcane Power.
Lvl 46 Venom
Attacks poison enemies, dealing 15% weapon damage as Poison over 3 seconds.
Lvl 55 Blood Magic
Attacks recover 1.5% of damage caused as Life.

Familiar (Level 22)
Cost: 20 Arcane Power
Summon a companion that will attack your targets for 20% weapon damage as Arcane. This companion cannot be targeted or damaged by enemies and lasts for 5 minutes.

Lvl 30 Sparkflint
Summon a fiery Familiar that increases the damage of all attacks by 12% while Familiar is active.
Lvl 40 Dartling
Summon a lightning Familiar whose projectiles have a 100% chance to pierce through enemies.
Lvl 44 Ancient Guardian
Summon a protective Familiar. When you are below 35% Life the Familiar will fully absorb damage from 1 attack every 6 seconds.
Lvl 50 Arcanot
While the Familiar is active, you regenerate 2 Arcane Power per second.
Lvl 57 Cannoneer
The Familiar's projectiles explode on impact, dealing 20% weapon damage as Arcane to all enemies within 6 yards.

Energy Armor (Level 28)
Cost: 25 Arcane Power
Focus your energies, increasing your Armor by 65% but decreasing your maximum Arcane Power by 20. Lasts 120 seconds.
This is an Armor spell. Only one Armor spell can be active at a time.

Lvl 32 Absorption
You have a chance to gain 4 Arcane Power whenever you are hit by a ranged or melee attack.
Lvl 41 Pinpoint Barrier
Increases your chance to critically hit by 5% while Energy Armor is active.
Lvl 48 Energy Tap
Rather than decreasing your maximum Arcane Power, Energy Armor increases it by 20 while it is active.
Lvl 54 Force Armor
While Energy Armor is active, incoming attacks that would deal more than 35% of your maximum Life are reduced to deal 35% of your maximum Life instead.
Lvl 60 Prismatic Armor
Increases all of your resistances by 40% while Energy Armor is active.


Explosive Blast (Level 19)
Cost: 20 Arcane Power
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Gather an infusion of energy around you that explodes after 1.5 seconds, causing 225% weapon damage as Physical to all enemies within 12 yards.

Lvl 24 Unleashed
Reduces the casting cost of Explosive Blast to 10 Arcane Power.
Lvl 29 Time Bomb
Explosive Blast detonates from the point it was originally cast after 2.5 seconds for 292% weapon damage as Physical.
Lvl 39 Short Fuse
Immediately release the energy of Explosive Blast for 225% weapon damage as Physical.
Lvl 50 Obliterate
Increases the explosion radius to 18 yards for 225% weapon damage as Physical.
Lvl 56 Chain Reaction
A chain of 3 consecutive explosions cascade off you, each causing 97% weapon damage as Physical.

Mirror Image (level 25)
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Summon 2 illusionary duplicates of yourself that last for 7 seconds and have 25% of your Life. The images may cast some of the same spells as you, but those spells deal no damage.

Lvl 31 Simulacrum
Increase the Life of your Mirror Images to 100% of your own.
Lvl 37 Duplicates
Summon 5 Mirror Images that have 25% of your Life each.
Lvl 45 Mocking Demise
When a Mirror Image is destroyed, it explodes, doing 45% weapon damage as Physical and has a 50% chance to Stun for 2 seconds.
Lvl 51 Extension of Will
The duration of your Mirror Images is increased to 10 seconds and their Life is increased to 29% of your Life.
Lvl 58 Mirror Mimics
Spells cast by your Mirror Images will do 10% of the damage of your own spells.

Archon (Level 30)
Cost: 25 Arcane Power
Cooldown: 120 seconds
Transform into a being of pure Arcane energy for 15 seconds. While in Archon form, your normal abilities are replaced by powerful Archon abilities, and your Armor and resistances are increased by 40%. Every enemy killed while in Archon form adds 1 second to the duration of Archon.

Lvl 36 Arcane Destruction
An explosion erupts around you when you transform, causing 450% weapon damage as Arcane to all enemies within 15 yards.
Lvl 40 Teleport
Archon form can now cast Teleport with a cooldown of 10 seconds.
Lvl 46 Pure Power
Decreases the cooldown of Archon to 100 seconds.
Lvl 52 Slow Time
Archon form can cast Slow Time that lasts for 8 seconds.
Lvl 60 Improved Archon
Increases the damage of all Archon abilities by 25%.


Level 10
Decreases melee damage taken by 20%.
Level 10
Power Hungry
Gain 30 Arcane Power whenever you are healed by a health globe.
Level 13
Reduces all cooldowns by 15%.
Level 16
Glass Cannon
Increases all damage done by 15%, but decreases Armor and resistances by 10%.
Level 20
When you deal damage with a Signature spell, you gain 4 Arcane Power.
The following skills are Signature spells: Magic Missile, Shock Pulse, Spectral Blade, Electrocute
Level 24
Astral Presence
Increases your maximum Arcane Power by 20 and Arcane Power regeneration by 2 per second.
Level 27
Whenever you suffer more than 15% of your Life in a single hit, the cooldowns on Mirror Image and Teleport are automatically reset.
Level 30
Cold Blooded
Cold damage dealt to chilled and frozen targets is increased by 20%.
Level 34
Fire damage dealt to enemies applies a burning effect, increasing all damage done to them by 10% for 3 seconds.
Level 37
Lightning damage dealt to enemies has up to a 8% chance to Stun the target for 2 seconds.
Level 40
Galvanizing Ward
Increases the duration of your Armor spells by 120 seconds. As long as an Armor spell is active, you gain 310 Life per second.The following skills are improved: Energy Armor Ice Armor Storm Armor
Level 45
Temporal Flux
Whenever you deal Arcane damage, enemies are slowed by 30% for 2 seconds.
Level 50
Critical Mass
Critical Hits have a chance to reduce the cooldown of your spells by 1 second.
Level 55
Arcane Dynamo
When you deal damage with a Signature spell you may gain a Flash of Insight. After 5 Flashes of Insight, your next non-Signature spell deals 75% additional damage. The following skills are Signature spells: Magic Missile Shock Pulse Spectral Blade Electrocute
Level 60
Unstable Anomaly
When reduced below 20% Life, release a shockwave that knocks all enemies back. This effect cannot occur more than once every 60 seconds.