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Diablo 3 Demon Hunter Skill Tree



Hungering Arrow (Level 1)
Generate: 3 Hatred
Fire a magically imbued arrow that seeks out targets for 115% weapon damage and has a 35% chance to pierce through targets.

Skill Runes:
Lvl 6 Puncturing Arrow
Increase the chance for the arrow to pierce to 50%.
Lvl 17 Cinder Arrow
Light the arrow on fire, dealing 35% additional weapon damage as Fire over 3 seconds.
Lvl 26 Shatter Shot
If the arrow successfully pierces the first target, the arrow splits into 3 arrows.
Lvl 42 Devouring Arrow
Each consecutive pierce increases the damage of the arrow by 70%.
Lvl 52 Spray of Teeth
Successful Critical Hits cause a burst of bone to explode from the target, dealing 50% weapon damage to enemies in that area.

Entangling Shot (Level 3)
Generate: 3 Hatred
Imbue an arrow with shadow energy that deals 75% weapon damage and entangles up to 2 enemies, slowing their movement by 60% for 2 seconds.

Lvl 9 Chain Gang
Hit up to 4 targets.
Lvl 18 Shock Collar
Strike targets with electrified chains that do an additional 18% weapon damage per second as Lightning for 2 seconds.
Lvl 34 Heavy Burden
Increase the movement slow duration to 4 seconds.
Lvl 47 Justice is Served
Increase the Hatred generated to 6 per shot.
Lvl 54 Bounty Hunter
Gain 6% of the damage dealt as Life.

Bola Shot (Level 11)
Generate: 3 Hatred
Shoot out an explosive bola that wraps itself around its target. After 1 second, the bola explodes dealing 130% weapon damage as Fire to the target and an additional 110% weapon damage as Fire to all other targets within 7 yards.

Lvl 14 Volatile Explosives
Increase the explosion radius to 14 yards.
Lvl 24 Thunder Ball
When the bola explodes, it deals 130% weapon damage as Lightning and has a 35% chance to Stun the primary target for 1.5 seconds.
Lvl 37 Acid Strike
Shoot 3 bolas that each deal 130% weapon damage as Poison. The bolas no longer explode for area damage to nearby targets.
Lvl 51 Bitter Pill
When the bola explodes, you have a 15% chance to gain 2 Discipline.
Lvl 57 Imminent Doom
Augment the bola to deal 182% weapon damage as Arcane to the target and 154% weapon damage as Arcane to all other targets within 7 yards, but increases the explosion delay to 2 seconds.

Grenades (Level 15)
Generate: 3 Hatred
Throw out three grenades that explode for 95% weapon damage as Fire each.

Lvl 22 Tinkerer
Increases Hatred generation to 6 Hatred.
Lvl 32 Cluster Grenades
Throw cluster grenades that deal 112% weapon damage as Fire over an 8 yard radius.
Lvl 40 Fire Bomb
Throw a single grenade that deals 123% weapon damage as Fire.
Lvl 48 Stun Grenades
Hurl grenades that have a 25% chance to Stun enemies for 2 seconds.
Lvl 60 Gas Grenades
Throw gas grenades that explode for 95% weapon damage as Poison and leave a cloud that deals an additional 25% weapon damage per second as Poison for 3 seconds to enemies who stand in the area.


Impale (Level 2)
Cost: 25 Hatred
Impale a target for 250% weapon damage.

Lvl 7 Impact
Impale has a 65% chance to knock the target back and Stun it for 1.5 seconds.
Lvl 15 Chemical Burn
Your target will also Bleed for 125% weapon damage as Physical over 2 seconds.
Lvl 28 Overpenetration
The knife will pierce through all enemies in a straight line.
Lvl 53 Awareness
After the initial throw, release multiple blades centered on you, dealing 75% weapon damage to all enemies within 10 yards.
Lvl 58 Grievous Wounds
Critical Hits cause 100% additional damage.

Rapid Fire (Level 5)
Cost: 20 Hatred initially, and an additional 10 Hatred while channeling
Rapidly fire for 228% weapon damage as Physical.

Lvl 11 Withering Fire
Reduces the initial Hatred cost to 5, and ignites your arrows, causing them to deal Fire damage.
Lvl 19 Web Shot
Slows the movement of affected targets by 80% for 1 second.
Lvl 32 Fire Support
While channeling Rapid Fire, launch 3 homing rockets every second. Each rocket deals 35% weapon damage as Physical to nearby targets.
Lvl 45 High Velocity
Fire poison arrows that have a 40% chance to pierce through enemies.
Lvl 56 Bombardment
Rapidly fire grenades that explode for 276% weapon damage as Fire to all enemies within a 4 yard radius.

Chakram (Level 12)
Cost: 10 Hatred
Fire a swirling Chakram that does 150% weapon damage as Physical to enemies along its path.

Lvl 18 Twin Chakrams
A second Chakram mirrors the first. Each Chakram deals 101% weapon damage as Physical.
Lvl 26 Serpentine
The Chakram follows a slow curve, dealing 203% weapon damage as Poison to enemies along the path.
Lvl 34 Razor Disk
The Chakram spirals out from the targeted location dealing 165% weapon damage as Arcane to enemies along the path.
Lvl 48 Boomerang
The Chakram path turns into a loop, dealing 188% weapon damage as Lightning to enemies along the path.
Lvl 57 Shuriken Cloud
Surround yourself with spinning Chakrams for 120 seconds, dealing 30% weapon damage per second as Physical to nearby enemies.

Elemental Arrow (Level 20)
Cost: 10 Hatred
Shoot a fire arrow that deals 155% weapon damage as Fire to all targets it passes through.

Lvl 24 Ball Lightning
Fire a slow-moving arrow that electrocutes enemies along its path for 155% weapon damage as Lightning.
Lvl 29 Frost Arrow
Fire a frost arrow that splits into multiple arrows after hitting its target, dealing 170% weapon damage as Cold. Affected enemies have their movement speed slowed by 60% for 1 second.
Lvl 36 Screaming Skull
Grants a 40% chance to shoot a skull that will Fear affected enemies for 1.5 seconds.
Lvl 43 Lightning Bolts
Fire electrified bolts that Stun enemies for 1.5 seconds on a Critical Hit.
Lvl 59 Nether Tentacles
Shadow tentacles deal 155% weapon damage to enemies along its path and return 3% of damage dealt as Life for you.



Caltrops (Level 4)
Cost: 6 Discipline
Lay a trap of caltrops on the ground that activates when an enemy approaches. Once sprung, the caltrops Slow the movement of enemies within 12 yards by 60%. This trap lasts 6 seconds.

Lvl 12 Hooked Spines
Increase the slowing amount to 80%.
Lvl 18 Torturous Ground
When the trap is sprung, all enemies in the area are immobilized for 2 seconds.
Lvl 28 Jagged Spikes
Enemies in the area also take 45% weapon damage.
Lvl 41 Carved Stakes
Reduces the cost of Caltrops to 4 Discipline.
Lvl 54 Bait the Trap
Become empowered while standing in the area of effect, gaining an additional 10% Critical Hit Chance with all attacks.

Smoke Screen (Level 8)
Cost: 14 Discipline
Vanish behind a wall of smoke, becoming momentarily invisible for 2 seconds.

Lvl 14 Displacement
Gain 35% movement speed when activated.
Lvl 23 Lingering Fog
Increase the duration of the effect to 3 seconds.
Lvl 33 Breathe Deep
While invisible you gain 6 Hatred per second.
Lvl 44 Special Recipe
Reduce the cost to 12 Discipline.
Lvl 59 Choking Gas
Leave behind a cloud of gas that deals 70% weapon damage per second as Physical to enemies in the area for 5 seconds.

Shadow Power (Level 16)
Cost: 14 Discipline
Draw in the power of the shadows, gaining 20% of all damage done as Life for 3 seconds.

Lvl 21 Night Bane
Gain an additional 4 Hatred per second while Shadow Power is active.
Lvl 29 Blood Moon
Increases damage done as Life to 30%.
Lvl 37 Well of Darkness
Decreases the Discipline cost to 12.
Lvl 51 Gloom
Reduce incoming damage by 65% while Shadow Power is active.
Lvl 58 Shadow Glide
Gain 40% bonus to movement speed while Shadow Power is active.


Vault (Level 9)
Cost: 8 Discipline
Tumble acrobatically 35 yards.

Lvl 16 Action Shot
As you travel, shoot arrows for 75% weapon damage at nearby targets.
Lvl 23 Rattling Roll
All enemies within 8 yards of your destination are knocked back and stunned for 1.5 seconds.
Lvl 33 Tumble
After using Vault, your next Vault within 6 seconds has its Discipline cost reduced by 50%.
Lvl 38 Acrobatics
Removes the Discipline cost but adds a 15 second cooldown.
Lvl 49 Trail of Cinders
Ignite with fire dealing 100% weapon damage as Fire to everything along your path.

Preparation (Level 13)
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Instantly restore all Discipline.

Lvl 19 Invigoration
Increase maximum Discipline by 10 for 5 seconds when using Preparation.
Lvl 25 Punishment
Restore all Hatred for 25 Discipline. Preparation has no cooldown.
Lvl 35 Battle Scars
Gain 60% Life after using Preparation.
Lvl 44 Focused Mind
Gain 45 Discipline over 15 seconds instead of restoring it immediately.
Lvl 52 Backup Plan
There is a 30% chance that Preparation's cooldown will not be triggered.

Companion (Level 17)
Cost: 10 Discipline
Summon a raven companion. Your raven companion will periodically peck at enemies for 30% of your weapon damage as Physical.

Lvl 22 Spider Companion
Summon a spider instead of a raven. The spider's attacks also Slow the movement of enemies by 60% for 2 seconds.
Lvl 29 Bat Companion
Summon a bat instead of a raven. The bat grants you 3 Hatred per second.
Lvl 41 Boar Companion
Summon a boar instead of a raven. The boar's attacks hit all enemies in an area.
Lvl 46 Ferret Companion
Summon ferrets instead of a raven. The ferrets collect gold for you and increase gold found on monsters by 10%.
Lvl 59 Wolf Companion
Summon a wolf for 25 seconds instead of a raven. The wolf attacks for 60% of your weapon damage as Physical.

Marked for Death (Level 21)
Cost: 3 Discipline
Marks an enemy. The marked enemy will take 12% additional damage for the next 30 seconds.

Lvl 27 Contagion
When the target is killed, the ability spreads to 2 other nearby targets. This effect can chain repeatedly.
Lvl 31 Valley of Death
Mark an area on the ground 12 yards wide for 15 seconds. Enemies in the area take 12% additional damage.
Lvl 39 Grim Reaper
An additional 12% of damage done to the target is also divided among all enemies within 20 yards.
Lvl 48 Mortal Enemy
Attacks you make against the marked target generate 3 Hatred.
Lvl 60 Death Toll
Heal attackers for 1% of the damage done to the marked target.


Evasive Fire (Level 14)
Generate: 4 Hatred
Cost: 4 Discipline if you backflip
Shoot for 125% weapon damage. If an enemy is in front of you at close range, you will also backflip away 15 yards.

Lvl 21 Shrapnel
Shoot exploding bolts that also deal 30% weapon damage as Fire to all enemies within 6 yards of the primary target.
Lvl 26 Parting Gift
Whenever a backflip is triggered, leave a poison bomb behind that explodes for 45% weapon damage as Poison in a 12 yard radius after 1.2 seconds. Turns Evasive Fire into Poison damage.
Lvl 34 Covering Fire
Shoot a spread of bolts that hit up to 3 targets for 125% weapon damage each.
Lvl 42 Displace
Increase the distance of the backflip to 30 yards.
Lvl 53 Surge
Reduces the cost of the backflip to 2 Discipline. Turns Evasive Fire into Lightning damage.

Fan of Knives (Level 17)
Cost: 20 Hatred
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Throw knives out in a spiral around you, doing 320% weapon damage to all enemies within 10 yards of you. Your knives will also Slow the movement of enemies by 60% for 2 seconds.

Lvl 23 Crippling Razors
Increase the amount enemies are slowed to 80% for 2 seconds.
Lvl 32 Retaliate
Surround yourself with whirling blades that deal 464% weapon damage to all enemies if you are struck in the next 10 seconds.
Lvl 38 Hail of Knives
Increase the radius to damage all enemies within 20 yards.
Lvl 44 Fan of Daggers
Imbue your knives with a 65% chance to Stun enemies for 2 seconds.
Lvl 59 Assassin's Knives
Throw long-range knives that deal 70% weapon damage to 5 additional targets.

Spike Trap (Level 17)
Cost: 30 Hatred
Lay a trap that arms after 1.2 seconds and triggers when an enemy approaches. The trap does 275% weapon damage to all enemies within 8 yards.You can have a maximum of 3 Spike Traps active at one time.

Lvl 27 Bandolier
Increase the maximum number of traps that can be out simultaneously to 6.
Lvl 30 Sticky Trap
Plant a bomb on an enemy rather than on the ground. If the target dies within 30 seconds, the bomb explodes dealing 404% weapon damage to all enemies within 8 yards.
Lvl 39 Long Fuse
Increases the arming time to 2 seconds but increases damage to 371% weapon damage.
Lvl 46 Lightning Rod
When the trap is triggered it releases a pulse of lightning that will bounce to up to 3 enemies for 275% weapon damage as Lightning.
Lvl 55 Scatter
Simultaneously place all 3 traps

Sentry (Level 25)
Cost: 10 Discipline
Drop a turret on the ground. The turret begins firing at nearby enemies for 20% weapon damage. Lasts 30 seconds.

Lvl 28 Spitfire Turret
The turret will also fire homing rockets aimed at random nearby targets for 8% weapon damage as Fire.
Lvl 36 Vigilant Watcher
Increases duration of the turret to 40 seconds.
Lvl 45 Chain of Torment
Create a tether between you and the Sentry that does 40% weapon damage every second to every enemy it touches.
Lvl 52 Aid Station
Heals nearby allies for 1.0% of their maximum Life per second.
Lvl 60 Guardian Turret
The turret also creates a shield that reduces damage taken by allies by 15%.


Strafe (Level 19)
Cost: 15 Hatred
Shoot at random nearby enemies for 120% weapon damage while moving at 65% of normal movement speed.

Lvl 24 Equilibrium
Increases your attack speed by 20% when using Strafe.
Lvl 29 Drifting Shadow
Movement speed increased to 100% of normal running speed while strafing.
Lvl 37 Stinging Steel
Throw out knives rather than arrows that do an extra 100% damage on successful Critical Hits.
Lvl 50 Rocket Storm
In addition to regular firing, fire off homing rockets for 60% weapon damage as Fire.
Lvl 56 Demolition
Throw out bouncy grenades that explode for 144% weapon damage to targets within 9 yards.

Multishot (Level 22)
Cost: 40 Hatred
Fire a massive volley of arrows dealing 165% weapon damage to all enemies in the area.

Lvl 26 Fire at Will
Cost reduced to 20 Hatred. Deals 165% weapon damage as Lightning.
Lvl 31 Burst Fire
Every time you fire, generate a shock pulse that damages nearby enemies for 65% weapon damage as Arcane.
Lvl 39 Suppression Fire
Every enemy hit grants 1 Discipline.
Lvl 46 Full Broadside
Increase the damage of Multishot to 214% weapon damage.
Lvl 55 Arsenal
Every use also fires 3 rockets at nearby enemies that deal 60% weapon damage as Fire each.

Cluster Arrow (Level 27)
Cost: 50 Hatred
Fire a cluster arrow that explodes for 200% weapon damage as Fire into a series of additional miniature bombs that explode for 100% weapon damage as Fire each.

Lvl 33 Dazzling Arrow
Enemies hit by grenades have a 55% chance to be stunned for 2 seconds.
Lvl 36 Shooting Stars
Instead of releasing grenades, shoots up to 3 rockets at nearby enemies dealing 175% weapon damage as Physical each.
Lvl 41 Maelstrom
Instead of releasing grenades, the cluster releases shadow energy that deals 145% weapon damage as Physical to nearby enemies. You will gain 4% of the damage done as Life.
Lvl 49 Cluster Bombs
Launch the cluster through the air, dropping bombs in a straight line that each explode for 230% weapon damage as Fire.
Lvl 58 Loaded for Bear
Increases the damage of the explosion at the impact location to 290% weapon damage as Fire.

Rain of Vengeance (Level 30)
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Fire a massive volley of arrows around you. Arrows fall from the sky dealing 75% weapon damage for 5 seconds to all enemies in the area.

Lvl 35 Dark Cloud
Launch a massive volley of guided arrows that rain down on enemies for 34% weapon damage for 12 seconds.
Lvl 40 Beastly Bombs
Summon 20 Shadow Beasts to drop bombs on enemies, dealing 125% weapon damage each.
Lvl 47 Stampede
Summon a wave of 10 Shadow Beasts to tear across the ground, knocking back enemies and dealing 75% weapon damage each.
Lvl 54 Anathema
Summon a Shadow Beast that drops grenades from the sky for 10 seconds dealing 115% weapon damage.
Lvl 60 Flying Strike
A group of 8 Shadow Beasts plummet from the sky at a targeted location dealing 60% weapon damage each and stunning enemies for 2 seconds.


Level 10
Tactical Advantage
Whenever you use Vault, Smoke Screen, or backflip with Evasive Fire you gain 60% movement speed for 2 seconds.
Level 10
Thrill of the Hunt
Every 10 seconds, your next bow attack will immobilize your target for 3 seconds.
Level 13
Your maximum Hatred is increased by 25. In addition, gain 20 Hatred and 2 Discipline whenever you are healed by a health globe.
Level 16
Steady Aim
As long as there are no enemies within 10 yards, all damage is increased by 20%.
Level 20
Cull the Weak
Damage against slowed enemies increased by 15%.
Level 20
Night Stalker
Critical Hits have a chance to restore 1 Discipline.Discipline is used to fuel many of your tactical and defensive skills.
Level 25
As long as you have not taken damage in the last 3 seconds you gain 1% of your maximum Life per second.
Level 27
Hot Pursuit
Whenever you are at full Hatred, movement speed is increased by 15%.
Level 30
Gain a bonus based on the weapon type of your main hand weapon:
Bow: 15% increased damage
Crossbows: 50% Critical Hit Damage
Hand Crossbows: 10% Critical Hit Chance
Level 30
Numbing Traps
Enemies hit by Fan of Knives, Spike Trap, and Caltrops have their damage reduced by 25% for 3 seconds.
Level 35
Reduces the Discipline cost of all skills by 10%.Discipline is used to fuel many of your tactical and defensive skills.
Level 40
Custom Engineering
The duration of your Caltrops, Marked for Death, Spike Trap, and Sentry is increased by 100%.
Level 45
Increases Hatred generated from Grenades by 2 and reduces the Hatred cost of Cluster Arrow by 10. Upon death, you drop a giant grenade that explodes for 450% weapon damage as Fire.
Level 50
Gain 3% Critical Hit Chance every second. This bonus is reset 1 second after you successfully critically hit.
55 Ballistics
Damage from rockets increased by 50%. Rockets are fired from certain skill rune effects.