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Warrior Leveling Guide – The Best Strategies For Leveling Your Warrior

When leveling your warrior there are a number of different strategies you can follow. However, if you follow the tips in this Warrior Leveling Guide, you should have no trouble reaching max level in record time.

Choosing your Warrior Leveling Spec

Warriors are very gear dependent, and so are their talent specializations. Arms focuses on two handed weapons. Fury focuses on two single handed weapons. Protection focuses on sword and board. Arms is easy to keep updated since you only need one weapon. Fury is a great spec because of Bloodthirst’s self healing ability, though it’s not necessary since Victory Rush is much more potent. Protection is not recommended at first due to the low damage output. Therefore it is not recommend for questing yet. At level 30 when you learn dual spec, you definitely want to pick this up for tanking dungeons. Questing is going to be the bread and butter of your leveling process.

Your Warrior Leveling Guide to Gear

One tip on gear, is do not ever buy it. It’s a waste of your money. You can pick up plenty of gear by questing and dungeons. Even if you’re not prot specced, you can still tank dungeons up to level 30. Now, with that aside, you want to focus on strength. This is your pure damage stat. Attack power is a decent secondary stat, but strength is what you want the most since it can be increased by mark of the wild, blessing of kings, and other buffs. Crit and hit also keep your damage consistent, but strength is always going to be king. If you’re tanking, then you want to go for more survival and avoidance stats like stamina, dodge, and parry. Wear mail until level 40, but after that, you get the plate specialization, and receive a stat bonus if you are wearing all plate armor.

The Warrior Leveling Guide to Professions

Professions are now uniform in terms of stats provided. You have two options to go with. Do you want to focus purely on making gold, or do you want the security of being able to craft your own gear? Usually while leveling, it is recommended that you focus on gathering professions. These help you by earning you extra gold, and the stat bonuses are very helpful as well. (However, with a good WoW Gold Guide, you can focus on other ways to make gold while crafting your own gear.)

Herbalism gives you a HoT and a haste bonus, Skinning gives you a passive buff to Crit, and Mining gives you a pretty significant buff to Stamina. Now, with this in mind, make sure that mining is one of the two professions that you pick. The reason being is because if you choose, later on down the line, to pick a crafting profession, and you should, you will probably want to pick Jewelcrafting or Blacksmithing. These professions are probably the best for a warrior because you are so highly gear dependent. Being able to craft your own gear will make the leveling process much easier.

With that said, this Warrior Leveling guide is complete. Pick your Warrior Leveling Spec, your professions, and get out there and start questing. Happy Hunting!