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Ghost Recon Future Soldier Walkthrough Part 6: Subtle Arrow Part 1

After bringing in Paez, you will have enough intel to convict about a hundred small-fry criminals all across South and Central America. You are only interested in one of those names, though, and it is this one that you will pursue to Zambia, in Africa. Here you will seek out a warlord named Dede Macaba. He has unfortunately set up shop smack dab in the middle of a refugee camp, making him extra difficult to reach. You will have to infiltrate the refugee camp in broad daylight, avoid killing the civilians if at all possible (remember, killing civilians won’t give you a Game Over but it will severely impact your post-mission score) and find Macaba.

You will begin this mission in a very small village just outside of the refugee camp. You will be meeting up with a contact at the road by the camp, as he will be able to smuggle you inside via a truck that usually carries food shipments and the like. First, though, you will have to clear out this small village and a few other enemy posts along the way. Luckily, you will have the new Optical Camouflage to help you out. This camouflage will effectively make you invisible as long as you are crouched or prone and standing still, and you’ll be that much harder to spot when moving. Use it to sneak up behind the first enemy as he attacks the woman in the village. Hit the X/Square button to perform a stealthy takedown when you are close enough.

After he is down, proceed ahead towards the next waypoint. This will take you to another small, isolated village. This one will have several enemies to worry about. Crouch and follow your team in. Get behind cover to the left near the entrance to the village and activate your Magnetic Goggles. This will allow you to see through the objects around you and pick out anything metallic, including the guns of your enemies. Think of it as a sort of x-ray beam. You will be able to spot five enemies patrolling the camp. The closest one will be standing with his back to you by the well directly ahead. Sneak up behind him and kill him just like the last one. Now you can perform a sync shot with your team to eliminate the remaining four hostiles. Pass your reticule over each of the enemies and click RB/R2 over them to tag them. Once all four enemies are tagged, wait until all of the icons on the top of the screen turn from white to blue and take your shot. Your team will eliminate the enemies with ease.

Now that the village is cleared, head out through the opposite side and keep moving towards the next waypoint. As you near the tree to the left, a pickup truck will drive in front of you. Hold the crouch button to drop prone to the ground. Engaging these enemies is possible, but it is most definitely a bad idea to break your cover. Let them pass instead. After they pass, get back into a crouching position and follow your teammates to the next village.

You will be able to see several riflemen ahead. One of them will be standing on the dirt road by the huts, while another will be walking around the hill in the distance. Mark both of them and order your allies to kill them. Head deeper into the village. You will find five more enemies standing by the center of the village, with one off by the hut to the left and another off towards the shade of the tree to the right. You can either take them all out, or sneak right on past. It’s up to you how you would like to deal with the enemies, but either way you should get past them and keep moving towards your waypoint.

The next waypoint will be an observation point overlooking the refugee camp. You should be able to spot your ride on the road right below, but there’s a problem. The driver is being troubled by a group of four enemies. Along with the rest of the Ghosts, pop out from behind the observation point and target all four of the enemies. Perform another sync shot to take them all out (this part acts as the game’s official tutorial for performing sync shots, but you can do it well before this point if you desire.) Head down to the truck to meet up with your contact and sneak into the back. He will drive you inside of the village and drop you off near the entrance of the camp.

When you leave the back of the truck, crouch so that your camo will take over. Enemies lurk nearby. Take cover to the left and target the four enemies. Three will be standing by the boulder ahead, while the fourth will be on the rooftop to the left. Wait until your team has their shots lined up and take them all out at once. Proceed ahead until you come upon a white SUV. There will be two more enemies standing on the other side of the car. Target one of the enemies and have one of your teammates take out the other one. Walk past the SUV and approach the well ahead. Another enemy will be standing by the well. Sneak up behind him and take him out with a sneaky melee attack for a clean kill.

Your team will now lead you ahead to a marketplace in the central area of the camp. Two enemies will be muddled in a large group of civilians ahead. It can be hard to get a bead on them without accidentally catching a civilian in the crossfire from your current position, so you will want to move up to either side and use your Magnetic Goggles to more clearly distinguish them from the innocents. Mark the enemies in the crowd in case your shot fails to take one of them out, get to a good position, and open fire directly into the head. You can also let your AI teammates take the shot if you’re playing alone and afraid that you don’t quite have a clear shot.

Leave the market through the opposite side and you will find Macaba talking with one of the thugs living in the camp. HQ will tell you to follow Macaba and see if you can glean any useful intel from him along the way. This means sticking close to the target without arousing suspicion. When you regain control, sneak up behind the enemy directly to your right and take him out with melee. Creep along the right-hand side of the area to reach the dirt street, where you will see another enemy guarding a gate to the right. Macaba will pass through here. Give him a few seconds to get at least 12m ahead of you before sneaking up behind the guard and taking him out with another silent melee attack.

Round the corner past the gate to the left and creep down to the end of the skinny path. Toss out a Sensor Grenade ahead to light up the foes in the area. You will see Macaba pausing near two of the enemies for a few seconds before they split up. It may be difficult to make our from your perspective, but the right-hand enemy is actually walking alongside Macaba and speaking with him. If you take him out now, it’ll be an instant checkpoint restart. Instead, wait for Macaba and the right-hand guard to get far enough away and either silently kill or sneak past the left-hand enemy, depending on which way he is facing. Keep in mind that you don’t want to let Macaba get too far away from you.

 Macaba will eventually break off with the second enemy. Now you can feel free to kill the second enemy. Switch your Magnetic Goggles on now so that you can track Macaba even as he moves through the maze of tents ahead. You are almost to his base, so just keep a decent distance from him as he moves ahead and watch out for enemies looking your way. You should reach the weapons base soon, and a cutscene will play in which Macaba reveals the locations of the weapons. They are scheduled to be arriving at a nearby airstrip any minute now. You will receive the kill order on Macaba. Alerting the enemies will no longer result in a mission failure, but you should still consider it a worst-case scenario. Mark all four of the enemies ahead and, taking Macaba in your sights, pull the trigger to initiate a simultaneous execution.

You will now have to leave the refugee camp and head out to find the cache of weapons before it’s too late.