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Dragon's Dogma Walkthrough Part 6: Call of the Arisen

As soon as you enter the Encampment, you get your next story quest:

Call of the Arisen
Heed the Voice

Follow Rook, who will lead the way to a tent containing an etched stone, a Riftstone such as the one seen in the prologue. If you've forgotten where you are in the story, select "Chronicle" from the Pause Menu to review a history of your journey thus far.  Enter the Command Headquarters. A voice speaks to you from across great distance. The pawn legion has awaited you. This rift serves as a gate. It connects their kind to your world. It opens to the Arisen, for they possess a will powerful enough to guide the legion. If you would claim to be among the Arisen, prove the strength of your resolve.

Choose "Yes". The stone gives you your task. The Arisen must possess the valor to stand against all threats, and the power to quell them. You now need to search the area. Head back towards the entrance to the encampment. Suddenly there is a commotion, the guards mention that a beast is coming. Exit the encampment to find a Cyclops attacking it. You need to drive off the threat.

Fight the Cyclops. As you take damage, the amount of Health you can recover through magick in the field also decreases, indicated by a white bar. You can rest at an inn or use curative items to fully recover your health. Giving pawns curatives to hold will allow them to use them at their own discretion. Tp receive the effects of curative magicks, step within the area of the healing light.

If you are a melee character, it is best to attack the Cyclops from behind. If you are a ranged character, shoot the Cyclops' eye, which is its weakest part. You can also attack while clinging to the foes. Try to grab hold of the leg and attack. When the Cyclop falls, focus on its head. After you have defeated the Cyclops, returh to the Rift inside the Command Headquarters in the Encampment. With that, your trial is complete.

This completes the quest, Call of the Arisen. Next, you will create a Pawn.