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Ghost Recon Future Soldier Walkthrough Part 7: Subtle Arrow Part 2

After you have taken out Macaba, you will still have to track down the weapons shipment at the airfield and retrieve valuable intel on the people who are really behind the deaths of your comrades. The good news is that you don’t necessarily have to remain stealthy in order to beat the rest of this mission. You will still want to keep a fairly low profile as far as these things go, though, because getting caught can still get you into a sticky situation in certain parts of the end of this mission.

Proceed forward, towards the outskirts of the camp on the opposite side from where you initially entered. Activate your Magnetic Goggles and use them to tag the three enemies hanging out ahead of you. Look to the right and up to find a fourth enemy patrolling on a rooftop. Tag him as well. Pull the trigger when your allies have gotten their targets all lined up, and the enemies will fall like dominoes. Keep pushing forward. As you reach the exit, you will run into two more enemies. Use Magnetic Goggles if necessary to tag them both. Perform a sync shot, just to be sure that one of the enemies won’t raise the alarm when the other one falls. Take them both out and head up to the waypoint. Here you will meet again with the driver.

The driver will take you to the airstrip. Along the way, HQ will inform you that Macaba’s shipment has already arrived and is being unloaded for shipment elsewhere. If you can get to the airstrip before the plane takes off, you will be able to unload the black box from the plane and use it to determine where it came from, thus determining the general location of the terrorist cell who supplied the weapons to Macaba. It’s a long shot, though, as a sandstorm is on the way and your time to retrieve the black box is limited at best.

When the driver drops you off by the airstrip, don’t waste any time in approaching the first cover point and taking a moment to scope out the battlefield ahead. It doesn’t really matter how you approach this; you will end up in some frenzied combat in an attempt to keep the plane from escaping early. It’s still best to take out as many enemies as you can, and it’s still possible to do so from a mostly stealthy perspective if you can time your shots correctly. Take cover behind the crates in front of the hangars. Throw a Sensor grenade out between the two hangars. Four enemies will be illuminated, two between the hangars, one in the hangar on the left, and another on the catwalks between the two hangars. Mark all four of them. Note that this isn’t all of the enemies in the area, but it will definitely clear your path ahead when you kill them. If you can time this shot correctly, you may have a chance of getting into the base undetected. Wait until the soldier on the catwalk is inside of the hangar to the right before giving the shoot order. He will fall inside of the cover of the hangar, concealing his body.

After taking him out, look up to the tower in the distance to find two more enemies looking down upon the hangars. You won’t have much time to think strategy, as a timer will appear and the plane will begin to take off. Quickly kill the two enemies in the guard tower and sprint down the path between the two hangars, running up the stairs to the left. Take cover behind the low wall looking out at the runway; you may have taken out the majority of the enemies here, but a few will still be lurking and will jump at the opportunity to kill you while you’re focusing on the plane. You are too late to stop the plane from taking off, but if you can damage its engines enough you will be able to ground it. Aim out from cover and pop as many shots as you can into the plane’s engine, which will be marked with an objective marker. Flames and deep grey smoke will billow from the engine when you have succeeded. Toss out a Sensor grenade into the hangars to light up the remaining enemies in the area and, if you have gotten their attention already, take them out from your cover. If they are still looking for you, you can mark and execute them silently with your squad.

Note that you can also approach this whole scenario form a louder, more decisive stance by rushing ahead and taking out the first four guards before sprinting up the stairs to await the plane’s takeoff. If you do so, have your AI teammates take out the two guards in the tower as you are sprinting up to take on the plane. This is a messier way to do things, and you’ll end up shooting the plane down anyway, but it’s still an option.

It will initially appear that the plane took off successfully even if you succeeded in doing enough damage to the plane’s engine. Soon, though, you will hear a crashing sound and your team will confirm that you have successfully shot the plane down a ways to the west. Now you just have to reach the crash site before the enemies do and salvage the data from the black box. Again, you’ll be on the clock, so hurry towards the next waypoint marker. As you run through the desert, a pickup truck with a machine gunner mounted in the back will come flying out of the sandstorm ahead and engage you and your squad. Immediately seek cover behind one of the large boulders popping up from the sand and use RB/R2 to mark the machine gunner as a primary target. This will command your team to focus all of their energies on the gunner, who will currently be focused on suppressing you. After the gunner is dead, mop up the rest of the enemies and keep moving towards your waypoint.

Doing so will put you right into the heart of the sandstorm. Activate your Magnetic Goggles to get a clearer view of your surroundings. Push forward through the storm and towards a small refugee camp ahead. As you approach the camp, watch out for five enemies patrolling the entrance to the camp. Target the enemy on the rooftop to the right first, as there are five enemies and they can’t all be taken out at once. Your enemies will have reduced visibility in this section, and won’t be able to see when their comrade on the roof falls. With him down, mark and execute the other four enemies and proceed into the camp.

Head to the building where the first enemy was patrolling and go up to the roof to find an ammo crate where you can resupply your Sensors and weapons. With guns and gadgets full, leave the building and head deeper into the refugee camp. The poor visibility and loud roars of the sandstorm will make taking out enemies in this area easier than normal. Simply mark and execute foes as you come across them. First, you will find a small group of enemies patrolling ahead. They can be dealt with no problem; simply pick one off yourself, and have a teammate take one out for you. Proceed further, towards the exit of the camp. As you near it, a truck will pull up and meet up with four enemies. Two enemies will walk out to make for a total of six enemies by the exit. Since you can only target a maximum or four in the sync shot mode, you will need to approach your first two kills carefully in order to avoid inciting a firefight.

Tag the three closest enemies and wait for them to get a good distance away from the other three enemies before giving the order to shoot. The chaos of the sandstorm should help hide the bodies for now, but you’ll have to take care of the other three enemies fairly quickly in order to ensure that they don’t go stumbling across any bodies and raising the alarm. Creep up behind the nearest enemy, marking the other two as you do so. Take the first enemy out with a stealth melee attack and give the order for your squad to execute the other two enemies immediately afterwards. The exit of the camp will be cleared and you will be good to go forward. Along the way out of the camp, look to the side to find another ammo crate just in case you need to refill on supplies.

You will soon leave the sandstorm behind by proceeding towards your waypoint. You should be able to see the plane crashed and up in flames in front of you. As you approach the crash site, you will receive word that a small group of enemies has already secured the area and are waiting for reinforcements to arrive, perhaps having anticipated your arrival. Lucky you, you will end up having to deal with both the preliminary scouting group and the reinforcements. For now, though, simply worry about the few enemies walking about the remains of the aircraft. There will only be a few of them. You will have 90 seconds to kill them all and call in evac. Crouch if you aren’t already so that your optical camouflage will cloak you.

There will be five enemies in the crash site at the moment. Toss a Sensor grenade into the center of the crash to light them all up on your screen. The closest two enemies will be the riflemen near the trucks ahead. Have your team take them out while you proceed into the wreckage. Perform a sync shot on the three remaining enemies to take them all out silently and quickly. You can, of course, also engage them in a head-on firefight, but this would take up slightly more time and would pose the threat of getting you killed.

Now that you have emptied out the crash site, feel free to head inside and regroup with your team at the waypoint. HQ will inform you of the reinforcements who will be incoming. You will have to defend the area until help arrives. Take cover by the low wall on either side of the destroyed hull of the plane. A truck with a machine gunner will drive up and start to lay down covering fire on you. You won’t be in much of a position to fight back, so instead order your team to lay down covering fire on the gunner. This will either kill him, or give you enough of a break to pop up and kill him yourself. You have effectively killed one of the gunners, but you are far from out of the woods yet. You will now have to contend with several more trucks full of enemies coming from all sides.

Toss out a Sensor grenade and kill the enemies ahead when they are lit up by the Sensor’s pulse. Loot the ammo crate in the flaming hull of the plane to find more Sensor grenades and ammo. Watch out behind you and to your left, as more trucks will be showing up there if they haven’t already. Also keep an eye out for incoming grenades, which will be marked on your screen by a grenade indicator when they get dangerously close. Use the cover swap maneuver to get away from the explosives quickly if any of them get too close. Keep tossing out Sensor grenades and moving about the wreckage of the plane as more enemies show up. Whenever a new truck of enemies comes onto the scene, your first priority should be to tag the gunner in the back for immediate suppression or death. With the gunners gone, you will be free to maneuver about your cover and return fire without fear of suppressing fire.

You will need to be on the move constantly, as enemies will continue to approach your position from all sides. Keep your head on a swivel and keep your gun stocked, as enemies will try to use the trees, boulders, and tall grasses for cover until they reach the crash site, at which point they will often rush you or attempt to flank around you. After you have eliminated most or all of the enemies, your evac will finally arrive. Head to the final waypoint to board the helicopters as their miniguns unleash devastation upon the remaining enemies below you. You have now successfully completed the Subtle Arrow mission and moved one step closer to unraveling the global terror conspiracy that took your squadmates away from you.