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The Week In Review: GTA 5 trailer upstaged by worlds greatest goal edition

Grand Theft Auto 5 screenshotGrand Theft Auto 5 screenshot

OMG, did you see that goal? The GTA 5 trailer struck at 4pm GMT on Wednesday, November 14, but around six hours later Zlatan Ibrahimović produced one of the greatest goals of all time, making everyone forget about that open-world action title coming next spring. What was it called again?

Okay, so people didn't quite forget about GTA 5. In fact, it's been pretty much all anyone's been talking about this week – besides Thursday morning when those who never usually take an interest in football decided they now had enough knowledge on the matter to discuss just how difficult Ibrahimović's overhead strike was to execute. One unnamed individual reckons the player will also probably be bought by a big club now. Sigh.

A cup of coffee later, though, and it was back to analysing the GTA 5 trailer for clues on what type of dog collars you'll be able to buy, and if the player's shoes will be laced using the crisscross or (in my opinion) more fashionable straight bar method.

GTA 5 hype aside, this week saw two other monsters of the industry fighting over column inches. Halo 4 got in there first, securing the UK No.1 spot, but failing to beat or even equal UK week one sales of Halo 3 or Halo Reach. Thankfully for Microsoft it appears that global sales were rather more impressive, bettering earlier entries in the franchise to take home $220 million in just 24 hours.

A day later and it was Black Ops 2's turn in the limelight, with all eyes on whether the Call of Duty franchise would show signs of decline. $500 million in sales within just 24 hours should go some way to silencing critics, although Activision chose not to reveal how many units the game shifted. Read into that what you will...

As a reminder, last year's Modern Warfare 3 sold 6.5 million units during the same time period, earning over $400 million in cold hard cash. Black Ops 2's launch wasn't without problems, though, with around 1,000 PC gamers reportedly left unable to install the game after discovering that the second game disc was in fact a copy of Mass Effect 2.

Speaking of Mass Effect, BioWare Montreal was announced as the home of the next game in the franchise, and that it will be created using DICE's Frostbite engine. As will Dragon Age 3, which is said to be greatly benefiting from the switch to Frostbite.

Elsewhere this week, Blizzard announced that StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm will be released on March 12, 2013, further adding to the Q1 2013 release congestion, and a few important milestones were also reached.

First, Microsoft's Xbox LIVE made it to 10 years of service, which the platform holder joylessly celebrated by offering everyone the one title they didn't want for free: Wreckateer. Then Sony made a fuss about shifting 70 million PlayStation 3 consoles. The firm also made some noise about PlayStation Move and PSN, but failed to say anything of any significance about PS Vita. Funny that.

This week's reviews included Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, F1 Race Stars and New Super Mario Bros. U.

As always check out the latest edition of the Podcast, and scroll down a little further to watch 10 minutes of Disc Licking.

I'm off to a support group for gamers who bought Black Ops: Declassified. I haven't actually played the game yet, but I hear it shouldn't take me too long to finish.