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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 51 – Alester – Self-Made Girl

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 51 – Alester – Self-Made Girl

Starting Objective: Talk with Hubb
Hubb is standing by the fountains near where you exit the City Watch Tower. Talk with him to learn that one of his friends, Bethany, is in trouble. Make your choices, but opting to help will trigger the quest itself.

Objective: “:Go see Betrhany to find out what her troubles are.”
From where you met Hubb, just head straight on to the East. You will find her at the opposite end of the city than where you got the quest. When you arrive there, she is in a heated discussion with her “cousin.” Once they finish, talk with Bethany to start learning just what is going on. After taking whatever tack you would like with Gunther, it is time to talk with Bethany. She reveals that she is carrying Ser Gyles' child. You can agree to help her, press her for some more information or just ignore it. The first two are the only real choices to move the mission along.

Objective: “Go and find Ser Gyles Langward and explain to him Bethany's predicament.”
head to the Northern section of town, the Noble's area, and look in the Eastern part to find Ser Gyles. Look for Half Pint and talk with him. He will get Gyles and then go stare at something in the kitchen. Talking with him reveals that he has had relations with Bethany for a while. Either path will reveal that Bethany had been working for Chataya. You can now either press him for support, leave matters to him, declare he owes her nothing or make more inquires. The best path is to opt for making more inquires to learn more of the situation. After this talk, you will receive “The Crownlands” codex entry.

Objective: “Ask Chataya what she knows about Bethany.”
Head over to the Brothel to the West and talk with Chataya inside. She will confirm that Bethany had been one of her girls. You can choose 1 of 3 options: “She seems upset with Beth. Why?”, “What happened between Beth and Ser Gyles?” or “Did Chataya throw her out?”. You get to choose a few things here. Opting for “What happened” reveals that Chataya showed him the bill, he paled, asked for time and just left. If you ask after she was thrown out, she reveals that Beth had run away. She will let you search Bethany's old room after the second question.

Objective: “Go To Bethany's Bedchamber to look for clues.”
Head up the stairs behind you, go down the corridor on the left and through the second door on the right. Once inside the bedroom, turn to the left and investigate the desk by the door. This yields a crumpled letter from Gyles to Bethany. After that, head into the room and look at the pot to the left of the fireplace. Use the Vision of R'hllor to reveal a supply of Moon Tea. Turn around and start over to the door. Just behind the door itself you will find a chest with 6 silver inside it. Now return to Chataya and talk with her more to learn the next part of the story.

Ask her about the herbs and she will tell you what they are used for. Following that line of questioning you can either question about “what if she had been trying to get pregnant” or “Beth lied to me. She's not with child.” Either way, Chataya reveals that she would like Gyles to pay off his debt and for Bethany to come back to the house.

Objective: “Inform Ser Gyles of your conclusions.”
Time to head to Gyles and let him know what you have decided. You can force him to pay up, but that does not end the quest. The next part is to get him over to Bethany. Head to Flea Bottom (where Beth is waiting).

Objective: “Meet up with Ser Gyles on the way to Flea Bottom and talk with Bethany.”
Head to the Southeast from where you were with Gyles to find him. From there, follow him to the meeting point. Take a moment and save for sure though. When the two start talking it is plainly obvious that Bethany is solely after the money.  At this point, you can either side with Bethany and demand that Gyles pays up or side with Gyles.

Siding with Bethany brings the quest to a finish. She will immediately collect the money from Gyles and everything is done here. She will give you the Maiden statuette for you aid. It is questionable if she will return to Chataya's though.

Siding with Gyles has Guncer come out with 2 friends and they all attack you. The others have no armor and Guncer is a Boss in Light Armor. It is not a hard fight alone, but take out the 2 aids quickly then focus on Guncer. Just after they go down, another will join in the fight. Again, he has no armor so he can be knocked down quickly. Take out Guncer as another 4 of his friends will join the fray. Again, none of them have armor but 3 are in melee and most with 2 weapons while 1 hangs back and gives ranged support.

If you sided with Gyles, Alester will tell Bethany to return to Chataya's. She will meekly head over there. Make one final trip there yourself and go inside. First talk with Chataya. She will thank you for helping her get Beth back. Head up the stairs and to Bethany's room, the second door on the right down the Western corridor, to talk with her. While she seems angry at first, her temper cools quickly. She will give you a figurine of the Maiden. While Alester does not have a use of it, Mors does.