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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 50 – Alester – A New Hope Part 5

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 50 – Alester – A New Hope Part 5

Objective: “Find Gawen's body.”
Head on down the stairs in front of you. Open the door at the bottom of the stairs to get into the dungeons themselves. On the other side you will find Humprey who will let you in to see the body itself. Talk either of the Wagers or the body, you will be able to see the body either way. Head into the next room and go into the room on the right. Alester laments and then it is on to noticing a letter. This letter from Falena that leaves little doubt on the matter. Humprey will come check on you and he will report that he is very pleased that someone knew what house the man belonged to. He remains adamant about not letting anyone see the murderer. You have 3 options here: Bride, Threaten or Kill. Bribing cost a good bit, threatening works well if you have done your leg work and it is a good fight. If you threaten him, remember that it is Ser Harrold and you need to play it all the way through.

Objective: “Interrogate the murderer held prisoner in the basement.”
With the key in hand, however you got it, head out and to the right into the cell-block itself. Head over to the left and to the end of the corridor to find Orys himself. Alester reveals that he is not part of the City Watch, he is willing to kill him and more than willing to compensate him for his troubles. Ask him first who hired him. Orys will reveal how the job was arranged and that it was Janos Slynt who asked for the kill. At this point, you can choose either “he's making a fool of me!” or “how could they have met.” Opting for how did they meet, he explains things. At the end of it he explains that he recognized Valarr's seal. Alester does not like how things are shaping up. Now you have another choice, to spare him (and he will help you later on) or just kill him (for experience). After the talk, head into the opposite cell. Look into the bucket to find 7 silver.

Objective: “Access the officers' quarters to search the City Watch Commander's office.”

Head up the stairs and over to the Raymun again. This time you have a reason to get past him since you can identify the body. You need to say you are on a mission from Janos and opt for making the most of it to get through. That will get you through to the top floor.

At the top of the stairs, you can loot the weapon rack to find a Tribal hammer. Now head to the end of the corridor and go into the open room on the left. First, loot the footlocker for 7 silver. Next, use the Vision of R'hllor to reveal a hidden treasure to the right of the bed. This will yield Slynt's personal seal. Take it if you have any intention to free Orys. Now turn around and look at the letter on the table. Reading it over reveals that Cedric was a bastard of a particular person and a royal person is making sure that none of them survive.

Now it is time to head back to the dungeon and make the choice about Orys. While with Orys, it is a simple matter of deciding to free him or to kill him, it is a different matter with the jailer Caron. Here, you need to convince him that there is a transfer if you intend to free Orys or just leave if you decided to kill him. If you manage the escape you will be rewarded with the trait, “The Art of Escape” which gives a deflection bonus of +1%

If you fail at this, every single guard in the Watch Tower will come at you in groups. This is the hardest possible fight in the game. You have been warned. Orys has no armor and only a dagger using the Assassin stance. This means he is doing chip damage at best and there are a lot of guards. As long as you can keep them focused on Alester then you have a chance to keep Orys alive through the fight. Otherwise it is just Alester against nearly a dozen guards.