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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 49 – Alester – A New Hope, Part 5

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 49 – Alester – A New Hope, Part 5

With the Gold Cloak disguise complete, it is time to get inside the City Watch itself. Approach the entrance to the Tower and Hardyng will head off to inform Harlton of your progress. Be sure you have the entire outfit on and you will be able to approach and enter the City Watch Tower.

Objective: “Speak to the guards to gather information and access the dungeons without arousing suspicion.”

Head forward and into the first room on the left. First, before talking with guards, the loot. On the armor shelf, you can get another “Lord's steel coat of mail” and to the left of it, in the chest is 7 silver. There you can talk with Justin and multiple times. You can either ask after the wagers or about the commander. The wagers are on the prisoner in the dungeon. If you want in then you need to talk with Captain Caron by the dungeon entrance. Talking about the commander will get you word that Slynt, the present commander, has been spending more and more time at the Red Keep. There are even whispers that he could be granted a lordship.

After you have all that information from Justin (and the loot) head into the corridor and over to the left. Just head straight and you will arrive in another room with two pairs of guards chatting away. First, move into the center of the room. Now, angle the camera toward Rufus who is in the Northeastern part of the room. Use the Light of R'hllor to reveal a hidden treasure. It contains 22 silver. After that, it is time to talk with Rufus who is complaining about trying to find the coat of arms on a corpse. Talking with him you can learn who this officer is that they are afraid of or how to see the body that is puzzling him. Talking about Ser Harrold yields that he is very vindictive. Asking about the body points you to Caron and that it is stored downstairs.

With that, turn around and talk with Duran and Bennard. Ask them about the wager and once again you are pointed to Ser Caron. Asking about the prisoner points out that Janos caught him shortly after the crime itself. The boss is said to be a tough one as he is the only one left alive now.

Head back into the corridor and turn to the South. Go to the end of the hall and there you can talk with Raymun. He blocks your way up to the commander. He does not seem to have any information so just play dumb or opt for “There's nothing for me here ...” Now head to the Northern end of the corridor and into the room on the right. Here you can talk with Androw and Benfrey. You can talk with them about the murders. They just confirm that Slynt is a big man and in the Red Keep. Talking about Harrold and you he is in charge of stewardship as well. He will put you through the ringer for things. Now turn to the right and talk with Lester. Lester can be asked about the body and he will reveal that they know who one of the bodies is but they do not know who the nobleman is. The other victim is Cedric, a peasant's son, a poor merchant boy. Asking about the commander yields the full name of Janos Slynt. Be sure to look at the weapon rack by the door. It has a hunting bow that you can claim for your own. Nothing more can be gotten here so it is time to talk with Caron. He is just outside the room you are in.

When you talk with Caron, you need an excuse to get down into the depths of the dungeon. Opt for the wager to ensure access. Once you get access, you are free to head down.