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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 52 – Alester – A New Hope, Part 6

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 52 – Alester – A New Hope, Part 6

Objective: “Go back to Lard Harlton's residence and tell him what you've discovered.”
At this point, the side quest, “Self-Made Girl” is finally open.

It is a simple enough matter to return to Harlton's residence. Head up to the North and you will meet again with Hardyng. Alester will report on what he's gathered so far and he is not pleased with Valarr. If anything, he is just getting more determined to kill his bastard brother.

At Hartlon's Residence, Alester reveals what he has learned. After that, you can tell him the whole story or just focus on how Valarr needs to pay. After that, it is a choice of which motive you think Valarr was following, acting on behalf of the queen or in his own interest. After that, he reveals that Arryn sent a letter to Grand Maester Pycell to see a tome on noble lineages. Harlton reveals that he has had contact with a scholar, Rupert, who will help them with the tome that Arryn was looking into. Rupert is demanding a mysterious payment he will not put into words. After your conversation with Harlton, he tells you that Rupert is waiting by the Arena in the Sewers. After this conversation, you are given the codex entry on the book itself, “The Lineages and History of the Great Houses of the Seven Great Kingdoms.” It is a massive tome and key to the plot of the book, “Game of Thrones” itself.

Objective: “Join Rupert in the arena hidden in the sewers of King's Landing.”
Head for the sewers to make contact with Rupert. Remember, the entrance is to the West of the Potions shop in the Market. Head down into the Sewer and over to the arena to the West. You will find Hardyng and Rupert in the Northeastern corner of the Arena. Rupert will only help if agree to help with something. All of the choices lead to him admitting he is will forced into indentured servitude unless he can be the champion of the Arena. This means that Alester will need to step into the Arena as his Champion and best this brute. After this, Rupert will introduce you to Ossifer. He will ask what name Alester would like to be introduced to the crowd under. You have 3 choices: His name, one that honors R'hllor (Azor Ahai) or one that inspires fear (the Red Demon). That choice is yours. It is explained Errok comes from beyond the Wall.

Objective: “Get ready in the preparation room downstairs, then tell the guard when you want to start the fight.”
Head down the stairs to the right of where you are. Just head down the stairs to the left. T the bottom of the stairs, you will find Hardyng waiting for you. You can ask him one question before you are called into the arena. Asking after Errok's strengths tells you that he has a fear attack. Questioning  Hardying on his weaknesses informs you that he is vulnerable to bleeding. You can also just opt to go with your instincts to come out on top, which gives you no bonus heading into the arena.

He is an Elite Boss in No Armor. He still has plenty of health to back up this lack of armor. Keep enough energy on hand for an interrupt to avoid his fear attack. Otherwise, just focus on attacking him however is best for you to cleave through his health. Be sure to loot the body afterward.

Completing this fight and talking with Orrsifer will let you complete the sidequest, “Blood on the Sand.”