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Dragon's Dogma Walkthrough Part 36: Trial and Tribulations

Talk to Aldous, inside the Duke's Castle. Choose to gather evidence for an important trial. Aldous tells you that the trial involves Fournival, who is among the wealthiest of Gran Soren's merchants, though now he stands to lose it all. He is accused of a Litany of crimes. Accept Aldous' request to help. Aldous says that it seems Fournival was as busy in his underground dealings as in his honest work. His bill of crimes includes bribery, fraud, abduction, the selling of secrets, even collusion with salvation. The inquest continues as we speak. Should the present tide prevail, he will likely be found guilty and put to death. Opinions are split, however, on the credibility of the present proofs and testimonies. A few days yet remain before the matter is decided, and Aldous asks that you go and gather what facts you can. Any proof is welcome, be it evidence or testimony, such that clearly shows his guilt or innocence. Justice must be done, and for that we've need of the truth. With this, the quest begins:

Trial and Tribulations
Collect Evidence

Royal Orders Quest
The merchant Fournival stands accused. Prove his guilt or innocence before time runs out.

Gather all the evidence and testimony regarding Fournival you can manage, and report you findings to Aldous in 4 days.

You have four in-game days to prove Fournival's innocence. If you'd rather Fournival found guilty, however, you could just do nothing for those four days, or buy a tattered affidavit from Reynard. It is better to prove Fournival's innocence, so that you can obtain more quests for him in the future, as well as keep using his shop. Your quest log will tell you how many days you have left, or whether you are near the deadline.

Evidence Proving Fournival is innocent

Follow the quest bubbles and talk to the various NPCs.

Fedel - Speak with Fedel, who can be found upstairs in the Storehouse, or dining in the gathering hall near the table.. He has head that old Fournival is the subject of an inquest. He wants Fournival to be acquitted, for the sake of business. He gives you the following item:

Fedel's Petition

Father Geffrey - Talk to Geffrey in the Cathedral, whoa agrees to add his name to the petition. You recieve:

Geffrey's Petition

Symone - Speak to Fournival's daughter, Symone, in the Fournival Manor at the Noble's Quarters. She is either inside the manor, or standing outside. She asks you to help her father. She is happy to sign a petition, and you get:

Symone's Petition
A petition signed by Symone pleading for Fournival's Acquittal.

Ser Daerio - Ser Daerio can be found at the Windbluff Tower to the north. He has heard about Fournival's Trial from a messenger. He wants to see Fournival acquitted. He cannot leave his post, but asks you take one of his men to testify on his behalf. Talk to Ser Castor standing guard on the eastern wall, and accompany him to the capital. You can use a Ferrystone if you are running out of time. Bring Ser Castor to Aldous, to serve as a witness.

Evidence to prove Fournival's Guilt

Jasper - Jasper, in the Craftsman's Quarter, does not like Fournival. He claims Fournival built his fortune on the back of honest people. Jasper's family also do not like Fournival. They give you the following items:

Jasper's Condemnation
Pip's Condemnation
Sara's Condemnation

(If during the quest "Land of Opportunity" you bought the deed for the land for 80,000G, these will not be available)

Ansell - Ansell in Cassardis has heard Fournival talk about foul dealings. He agrees to testify against Forunival, as a witness in the trial. He wants you to escort him to Gran Soren. Take him to the capital and bring him to Aldous, who will then take care of Ansell's accommodations while the trial is pending. (Note: Witness testimony is stronger than affidavits. Do not bring Ansell to Gran Soren if you want to prove Fournival innocent, as his testimony will outweigh any other evidence you present to the court).

Forging Testimony - Reynard
Reynard is a traveling merchant, who wanders around Gransys, and can be found in either Gran Soren, The Encampment, Cassardis, or the Rest Camp (Southeast of Shadowfort). He will sell you either a Writ of innocence or Writ of Guilt.

Note: It can take some time to find Reynard, but you do not have to do this if you do find all the other evidence that was mentioned in this guide.

You can:
Purchase an affidavit of guilt (5,000G) (Dirty Affidavit/ Tattered Affidavit)
Purchase an affidavit of innocence (5,000G) (Soiled Affidavit/Sweat Stained Affidavit/Blurred Affidavit)

You can buy more than one, but you dont have to. It costs 7,000 gold to buy the second Affidavit, 9,000G to buy the third affidavit, and 11,000G for a fourth one.  It costs less (3,000G) if you have the idol.

Some example affidavits are:

Soiled Affidavit
A forged affidavit purchased from a merchant. It should help prove Fournival's Innocence

Dirty Affidavit
A forged affidavit purchased from a merchant. It should help prove Fournival's Guilt.

Fournival's Trial

Hand over any information to Aldous, either supporting Fournival's guilt, or proving his innocence. Return to the Urban Quarter after the four days have passed (or rest it out in the inn). Watch the cinematic as the inquest into Fournival Frescobadi reaches its conclusion. The court will proclaim the verdict, either guilty or innocent, based on the evidence you brought and presented to Aldous. If found guilty, fournival is sentenced to a life imprisonment and is escorted by the guard to carry out his sentence. If he is found not guilty, then he is released of all charges and free to go, in which case he returns to his shop in the noble quarter and will give you a discount, as well as sell you some new items such as a real good healing cloak - The Magnanimous Cloak, which lets you share health and stamina recovery effects with your pawns (this cloak is pretty expensive though, costing over 100,000 gold)
Note: If Fournival is found guilty, Symone leaves the manor and can be found in the slums near the aqueduct. You can offer alms (100,000G) to get her to move back home.

Report back to Aldous. This completes the quest, Trial and Tribulations.