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Ghost Recon Future Soldier Walkthrough Part 22: Ember Hunt Part 1

For this next mission, you and your squad will be heading deeper into Russia, in search of a smaller village called Dagestan. It is believed that a massive terrorist attack on London was launched by Raven’s Rock from here. Your main objective, once inside of the village, is to find and extract a Georgian Special Forces team and to recover intel on the nuclear launch. The Georgians have been unable to reestablish contact with their team ever since they went in to investigate the village. With any luck, some of them will still be alive and will be able to provide you with valuable intel.

Your first order of business will be to reach the Georgian squad, if any of them remain. As you make your way into the village, HQ will confirm to you that at least one member of the Georgian squad remains alive. That’s the good news. You will have to fight through smarter, deadlier, and more advanced enemies to reach them and extract them. Begin the mission crouched and creep forwards towards the waypoint. When the word “Contact” appears at the top of the screen, take a moment to pause and survey the area around you. Take cover behind the wooden fence ahead. Peek over to see and mark several Russian troops gathered ahead in the fog. Doploy the Drone to get a better idea of the enemies that you’ll be facing. A soldier with an RPG will sit on the roof to the left and a mounted machine gun will be on the roof to the right.

Mark both of these dangerous enemies, but take a moment to consider your options before proceeding with a full-on assault. If you take out the two most dangerous enemies, that’s great, but a firefight will likely break out soon after. There are more enemies in the village than you can take out with a single sync shot. Instead, consider keeping the two most dangerous targets marked and creeping towards the bombed out building ahead to eliminate a few of the enemies with silent melee attacks.

The patrolling rifleman on the left makes for a prime target using this strategy. Take him out as he paces far away from the others. Take him out and head around the front of the structure, where you will find another rifleman pacing around. Creep up to him and kill him when he turns his back. Enter the building and head up to the rooftop. You will now come face to face with the RPG soldier. If you need help getting up here without being spotted, deploy the Drone and leave it hovering in the air to highlight his position and the direction that he is facing. When he isn’t facing you, creep upstairs to kill him with a melee attack. Now you don’t have to worry about having him marked for execution and potentially starting a firefight. There’s still the light machine gunner to worry about, though. Loot the ammo crate on the rooftop and kill the machine gunner with a suppressed weapon.

Creep back down the stairs and advance towards the building where the machine gunner was holed up. As you approach the next house, you will stumble upon one stationary guad by the side of the road. Sneak up behind him and kill him with a silent melee attack as well. Cross the road and enter the building where the mounted machine gun was. Two riflemen will be positioned staring out of a nearby window. Their backs are turned on you. Mark both of them and take one out with a stealth kill as you order your squad to kill the other. This is basically the only way to kill both of these guards silently, as they are positioned so close to each other that one will easily be able to see you killing the other.

Even after eliminating that many enemies, a whopping six hostiles will still patrol the area. Two will be down on the road, and four will patrol by the ruins of the village. Use two sync shots to kill them. Take out the two on the road first, unless you want to try for the Neck Breaker challenge, in which case you can use the same method that you did with the enemies in the window, taking one out with a knife and the other out with an order to your squad. Mark the last four enemies and order your team to execute them all simultaneously. Again, if you’re trying for the Neck Breaker challenge, kill one of the enemies with a melee attack before ordering your squad to eliminate the remaining three.

With the bombed-out village cleared, you can proceed with your squad ahead to regroup at the next waypoint.