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Inversion Walkthrough Part 12 – Street Fight, Part 3

Inversion Walkthrough Part 12 – Street Fight, Part 3

Head on over to the left and then start going forward. Drop down from the ledge in front of you. The ground starts to shake and the duo witness one of the skyscrapers collapse. Just as it collapses, a wave of Gravity start to sweep forward. Unfortunately this has a prelude: Lutadores. They will open fire on Davis and Leo immediately. About half a minute later everyone will be swept up in the wave of Gravity that came at them. There will be some free floating and then everyone is swept into the side of the building.

Move forward immediately and take cover behind the sign. Look left and see if there is a Lutadore Captain there. If there is, focus fire on him first as he has a good line of fire on both Leo and Davis. After that, start to advance past the sign. Head up the build and to the left to find the path forward. Just in front of Davis will appear the blue mass of energy. Approach it to switch to the basic planbe of Gravity.

As Davis lands, he will be assaulted by at least 2 Lutadores. Turn your gun on them immediately and open fire. Move forward to the right to advance on. In the stairwell Leo and Davis will be assaulted by a Lutadore Captain. It is an easy solo kill. Head on up the stairs after that.

Turn to the doors at the top and kick them in. Advance to the next door, opposite where Leo stops. Head through it carefully. You will be attacked by a pair of Lutadores. They will have some Sniper support as well. Head straight forward to the first barrier in front of a window. It has a Sniper Rifle right there for you, if needed. Collect it and look straight forward. There you will spot the first of the Snipers. They also have more Lutadore support. Do Leo and Davis a big favor and take out the Lutadore with the Minigun the first chance you get. It will stop a number of barriers from getting destroyed and just make life a lot easier.

Steadily advance to the right, moving from barrier to barrier as they are destroyed. Leo will call out more Snipers appearing. This time, one is in the 2 level building across from the one they are in. After that, look behind it to the next building. There is a Sniper on the very top of the building, about the center of the roof ledge from Davis' perspective. The second is on the stairs to the right of the 2 level building. Take all of them out.

Once all the Lutadores in the immediate area are down, Davis calls to advance. Head off to the right and through the building. Go through the next room and through to the fire escape beyond it. Head down the stairs to the left to reach the rooftops below.

Head forward and take the stairs to the left down. At the bottom of them, head over to the right and take the ladder down to the level below. Head over to the Gravity Anomaly in front of you. Ride it to changes planes of Gravity. Immediately dash for the wall in front of you. It is time to deal with another Lutadore attack. There are only 3 in this attack so it is not too hard to get through. Just good use of the Gravlink will see you through easily enough.

After that are dead, head to the center of the wall you are on. You will find a rope connecting the two parts. Climb across it to reach the second Anomaly. Dash across the fencing to the third Anomaly to return to the normal realm of gravity. Head up the nearby stairs and into the shelter to trigger a cutscene.