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Inversion Walkthrough Part 19 – Edge of the World, Part 3

Inversion Walkthrough Part 19 – Edge of the World, Part 3

At the top of the ladder you will find the second lever. Pull it to lower the bridge the rest of the way. Head to the right and kick open the door. Head forward to the wooden ledge and drop down to the level below. Head immediately to the left to press on toward the gates of the camp. Move toward the gates and a pair of Lutadores will come charging at you. Quick take care of them with your gun or the Gravlink as they come charging at you with axes of a sort.

Fall back immediately after that and get in cover as Leo suggests. There are 3 Lutadores firing down on you from above. There are 2 to the left of the gate and a single one above it. Take out the one directly above the gate first then the one just to the left of the gate. Shift more to the right and you will be able to easily get the final Lutadore in the area.

Now, the gate is closed and Davis needs to get through. It is easiest to start firing the Gravlink at the many cars around and hurl them at the gate. It takes 3 cars but it goes down. Go though the gap you created and start to the right. You will plenty of ammo just on the other side. Enjoy the restock, it is needed.

Go forward into the first building. Another Berserker Lutadore will charge you with support from 2 others firing on you. Kill them off then head to the end of the building. You will find a door on the left to go through. Just keep going straight forward and kick in the opposite door after that. Head all the way to the end of this building to collect more power for the Gravlink and some ammo. Head back to hole in the wall on the right that you passed on the way over.

Once you are in the open yard, you find a raving man. This man talks about some of the things the Lutadores have been doing to people. After a while of his ranting, a Behemoth and 2 Shield Lutadores come out and attack you. This is a simpler fight than usual. Use the Gravlink to lift up the Lutadores, kill them then throw the corpse at the Behemoth. Mix this in with the supporting fire from Leo and it will end quickly.

Head forward to where the Behemoth and the Shields came from. Turn to the right and head forward as soon as you can. Again, at the far end you will find a lot of ammo. Head back to where all the corpses are suspended and turn to the right, starting down the hallway there.

Head on through the passage until you find the gate you can kick in. Kick it in then head to the left and down the stairwell to the ladder. Use the ladder and your pair will drop into a compound quite similar to the one you were kept in toward the start of the game. Head through the open gate in front of you and over to the right. Again, a massive supply of ammo is on hand.

Head forward and through the open doors. You will find the bunk where they were keeping the children. Leo suggests that some has happened to them where they cannot have their own children anymore. It would certainly explain a lot. GO through the next open door and into the cell block. Here you see a number of prisoners. Approach any of them and they talk about the “Big Master.” Take some time to listen to them. You do have the option of killing them and Leo will raise no objections. Whenever you are ready, head forward and through the gates into what looks like an arena in front of you.