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Inversion Walkthrough Part 18 – Edge of the World, Part 2

Inversion Walkthrough Part 12 – Edge of the World, Part 2

Head forward to the jump point. Davis makes it but the ledge crumbles underneath him. The trip is separated for now. You will find them again soon enough. Head on forward and you will find a Sniper Rifle. Grab it as it will be helpful soon enough. Turn to the right and head over there. Davis will overhear some of the Lutadores conversation. A lot of talk about men beating commanders, grabbing gravlinks, tunnels, killing thousands of them.

Banks will get in touch with Davis and tell him to pick off a few of the Lutadores and he and Leo will attack from the right. Get behind the raised stone slab first then it is time to open fire on the Lutadores below. Take out all the ones without helmets first then with the one that has one.

After they go down, head over to the left along the ledge. You will find more bullets for the Sniper Rifle. Turn to the right and look at the large beam there. One end is weighted down by cars. Fire a blast from the Gravlink at it to get the cars off it and raise it for both Banks and Leo. They will cross over to the cab of the crane and then swing it over to the cliff the Davis is on. Hop onto the beam and head over to the cab there.

Hop off the cab with everyone else. Head to the left and clear the path of cars that are blocking your way forward. Just keep at that until the next cutscene starts. A kid, Peter, explains some of what has been happening around here. They have been taking the children into the “station”, a hole in the ground beneath a Gravity Anomaly.

Head over to the left and follow the path that direction. You will spot a Lutadore ahead. Wait until you are a lot closer to try and snipe him. The moment you fire on him is the moment you are under attack from at least 3-5 Lutadores. Kill them all off then head to the right.

Over there you have another large group of Lutadores to deal with. Initially there are 3 Lutadores on ground level with you. After one or two of them die, a section of Fortress wall will lower, revealing 2 more Lutadores that will fire down on you from their position. Once they are all dead, 2 Shield Lutadores will advance on the pair of Leo and Davis. Lift them up and blast them down.

With all of them dead, you are now free to advance. Check out the house to the right to find more ammo for the Sniper Rifle. Continue forward to the tunnels after to find more ammo for the rest of the guns. Now head into the tunnels.

Just around the first corner you are attacked by a pair of Lutadores. Take them out quickly and continue no to the lever on the right. Pull it to open the bridge so Davis and Leo can make it into the encampment itself. A cutscene runs showing the gate being lower some but not all the way.

Head out of the tunnel and the door to the right of the exit will pop open to reveal a Lutadore. Quick smack him down then head into that passage. Head all the way down the path to find an ammo depot. Restock then take the stairs up and over to the right. Now use the ladder there to reach the top.