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Inversion Walkthrough Part 17 – Edge of the World, Part 1

Inversion Walkthrough Part 17 – Edge of the World, Part 1

In the APC everyone is guessing at what lead the Lutadores there and how they can control gravity to any degree. As they talk, the Lutadores start attacking the APC with heavy ordinance. This knocks it around but does not seem to damage it too heavily. After the driver manages to get it to come to a halt, everyone gets out to defend it.

Immediately Davis is under fire so dash forward and take cover. Take out who you can then, when Leo calls for you to follow Banks, head to the right. Once you are behind the building, continue forward after the grenade is out. Turn into the ruin of the building. There you will find a pair of Rocket Launchers and a window with a great view of the turret nest. Pop one of the Rocket Launchers on the turret to remove it as a threat. Now start forward to the right. Get a good view of the hole in the church wall. Time to start picking off the Lutadores.

Start immediately with the one that is up in the Belltower with the Rocket Launcher. He can make life very hard and very short. After that, focus on all the ones on the ground that are firing on your group. Take out the 4 that are blocking your way into the church. Be wary as one is a Commander with a Gravlink. Fight him at a distance and everything will go down smoothly.

Once they are dead you are clear to head into the church. Inside, there are more Lutadores of course. Turn your attention first to the rafts. There is one who seems to have thought a little and is firing down from there. Kill off the remaining Lutadores on the ground floor with you after that. Now one behind a shield comes out. Do not worry about shooting through the slit of it, just blast him with the Gravlink and pump him full of lead.

Head toward the back of the church and take cover. Just before Davis can get through the door, another few Lutadores come forward. Gun them down and head into the back room of the church. Kill the 2 Lutadores that attempt to pin you down. After they are dead, grab the rocket launcher that is near the center of this room.

Head out through the hole in the church wall. Take cover and use the Rocket Launcher on the Turret nest at the opposite end of the church from you. Deal with the remaining Lutadores then advance with the rest of the squad.

They all pause at the next gate and Banks gives a rundown of the plan. He, Leo and Davis are going to recon the camp to see what they can learn about Leila. After that, the rest of the men head back to the APC to get it back to working order. Leo will kick open the gate and you can follow him. Time for some Zero-G navigation.

Jump forward to the coffin and look down. Hop from there down to the lip of earth and from there to the next coffin. Look up next to find some grating you can hop over to. Continue on up from there. Be sure to look straight up to find the tree you need to jump to after that. Just head up and to the right after that. It is not long before you are back on solid ground.