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Inversion Walkthrough Part 16 – Road to Hell, Part 4

Inversion Walkthrough Part 16 – Road to Hell, Part 4

The overpass is under bombardment. Davis and Leo once again need to head to the Mortar and take it out. Start heading forward immediately. Now, on both sides of the street, Terraformers are going to cut through. You have 2 choices for destruction here: 1) a Grenade to the inside, 2) a Car thrown through it. Choose whichever sounds most appealing and destroy them quickly. This will limit the number of Lutadores they get out.

Once those are done for, head forward down the center of the street. Turn to the left just before the Terraformers and use the Gravlink to move the cars out of your way. Follow the shallow slope there downwards. Keep to the side as when you reach the bottom, an enemy turret will open fire on Davis. There is a nearly car. Apparently these turret nest are very vulnerable to cars. Lift it with the Gravlink and hurl it at the Turret. Just throwing it into the shelter is enough to make it explode. Now head forward and to the right. That will get you into the building you are after. Use the prompt to get Leo over there and help you open the door to get inside.

Once inside the building, head over to the left and up the stairs. Take either set of stairs upwards. Turn to the right and it is time to restock on ammo! Head over to the room opposite the right-hand side staircase. Inside the office you will find a nice collection of common weapons to refill ammo on. Next, head into the little roundabout next to it. Within that circle you will find a full mini-gun just sitting there. With the weapons collected, head toward the right-hand stairs and go forward from them. You will find a blocked off hallway but to the right is a hole leading to a Zero-G area.

Launch forward to the very first part of of debris. Look forward to the hole in the wall. You will notice some grating that you can grab onto, launch toward that next. From there, just hop forward to the floating barrier. Once Davis makes it there, he is under attack from a Lutadore attacking him from the front. Kill him and another will start moving toward Leo and Davis. From the barrier, look left to the changing billboard. That is the next bit you can grab onto. Jump over there while Leo proves some cover fire. Once there, help him deal with the few Lutadores in front of you. After that, look over to the corner of the signs in front of you. Jump from there forward to the post and on from there to the next solid chuck of floating cement. Now move forward until you get a clear view of the scaffolding to the right. Head up along the scaffolding then you will find the end of the Zero-G area.

Once you make it back into the building, Leo will point out the mortar ahead. Just head over to the big hole in the wall to the right to spot the mortar. Grab the nearby rocket launchers and blast away. Again, 2 rounds are all you need to finish it off. After that, you have a number of Lutadores to kill off.